Related resources
are available on the Elections & Public Opinion, Public Policy, and
Government Documents pages.
These reference works are located on the first floor of Hunt Library.
Check CAMEO (the online catalog) for
additional resources.
- A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy (1993)
JA71 .C565 1993
- Encyclopedia
of the American Left
REF-1 HX86 .E58 1998
- International Bibliography of Political Science. Vol.
2-, 1953-. (annual)
This bibliography is compiled by
the British Library of Political and Economic Science and includes entries
from more than 60 countries. Topics include political thought, political
systems, political life, government policy, and international life.
- International
Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2001)
H41 .I58 2001 001 VOL. 1-26
- International Political Science Abstracts. Vol. 1-,
1951-. (bimonthly, with annual cumulations)
source abstracts articles on method and theory; political thinkers and ideas;
governmental and administrative institutions; public opinion, attitudes,
parties, forces, groups, and elections; international relations; and national
and area studies.
- Keesing's Record of World Events 1967-.
The news found in Keesing's is culled from
the world's press and information services. Countries are covered individually
with a separate section for international events and worldwide topics.
- Modern
Political Philosophy (1999)
REF-1 JA83 .H84
- Social
Science Index 1974-1995.
Social Science Index covers more than 400
international, English-language periodicals in sociology, anthropology,
geography, economics, political science, and law. The database began adding
abstracts in 1994. Hunt Library also has two predecessor titles:
International Index to Periodicals (1907-1965) and Social Sciences
and Humanities Index (1965-1974).
- World
Encyclopedia of Political Systems & Parties (1999)
329.03 W927A3
to top
- Philosopher's
Index (Carnegie
Mellon users only)
1940- (updated quarterly)
The Philosopher's Index is
a bibliographic database with author abstracts. It covers scholarly research
in the fifteen fields of philosophy published in journals and books. Among the
major topic areas are political and social philosophy.
- ProQuest
Direct (Carnegie Mellon users only)
Dates of coverage vary by database
The social sciences module covers research in political science.
ProQuest also includes the Historical New York Times from 1858
- Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (CD-ROM)
- Wilson Select
Plus (Carnegie Mellon users only)
1994- (updated weekly)
Select Plus contains citations, abstracts and full-text articles of 800+
periodicals covered in five periodical indexes: Readers Guide
Abstracts, Social Sciences Abstracts, Humanities Abstracts,
General Science Abstracts and Wilson Business Abstracts.
Articles are text-only and do not contain graphics or photographs published in
the original articles.
to top
Metasites is a
term used to describe web bibliographies, directories, and lists of sites with
URLs given for further research. They typically provide no primary source
content, but serve as gateways to information on a wide variety of
- Political Resources on the Net
(Radio Radicale)
This site provides listings of political web pages sorted
by country. It contains links to parties, organizations, governments, media,
and more from all over the world.
- Politics1.com (Ron
This nonpartisan site provides information on major and minor
national parties, the 2004 presidential race, state and congressional
candidates, debates and issues, and campagn memorabilia. Hot links lead
directly to organizations' web pages containing further information.
- Richard Kimber's Political Science
Kimber's page offers access to area studies, British
politics, constitutions, political parties, manifestos, political theory,
political thought, local government, international relations, data archives,
and journals and newspapers.
- Political Science
Resoures on the Web (University of Michigan Documents Center)
Documents Center covers area studies, dissertations, indexes to publications,
international relations, reference tools, political theory, political
methodology and grants, and links to related disciplines.
to top