- EconLit (Carnegie
Mellon users only)
1969- (updated monthly)
This database is an expanded
version of the classified article index part of the Journal of Economic
Literature (JEL), which is the standard tool for locating economics
literature. EconLit provides citations and abstracts to nearly 600 economics
journals and indexes other materials related to the field such as books
(1987-), collective volume articles (1984-), dissertations (1987-), working
paper abstracts (1984-), and book reviews.
- MathSciNet
(Carnegie Mellon users only)
1940-. (updated daily)
Vol. 1-, 1940-.
This database
corresponds to two important publications from the American Mathematical
Society and covers the years 1940 to the present. Current Mathematical
Publications is a subject index of recent and forthcoming mathematical
publications. Most items are later reviewed in Mathematical Reviews
which publishes over 47,000 reviews and abstracts annually. This database
focuses upon statistical methods in regards to surveys.
- PsycINFO
(Carnegie Mellon users only)
1887- (updated monthly)
The database covers
psychology and related fields and describes journal articles, book chapters,
books, and technical reports, as well as citations to dissertations. Indexed
materials are international in scope. Some articles focus upon survey
methodology; a larger number discuss methodology in relation to particular
- Social Science
Index (Carnegie Mellon users only)
1983- (updated monthly)
Sciences Abstracts covers more than 400 international, English-language
periodicals in sociology, anthropology, geography, economics, political
science, and law. The database began adding abstracts in 1994. Many (if not
most) articles on survey research will address methodological issues concerned
with a particular survey.
to top
Reference Sources
Some of these titles may be checked out. Search CAMEO
(the online catalog) for the status of these books and additional resources.
- Dictionary of Polling: The Language of Contemporary Opinion
Research (1991)
REF-1 HM261 .Y684 1991
- Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods
HUNT REF-1 H62 .H24534 1998
SEI STACKS H62 .H24534 1998
- Sources and Methods. Labour Statistics (1994, 1999,
REF-1 331 I612 Supp.
- Compensating for Missing Survey Data (1983)
HN29 .K35 1983
- Constructing Effective Questionnaires (2000)
HN29 .P45 2000
- Interaction and the Standardized Survey Interview: The Living
Questionnaire (2000)
STACKS-2 HM526 .H68 2000
- Mail and Internet Surveys: The Tailored Design Method
STACKS-2 HM538 .D55 2000
- Nonresponse in Household Interview Surveys
STACKS-2 HB849.49 .G757 1998
- Sampling of Populations: Methods and Applications
- Statistical Analysis with Missing Data (2002)
QA276 .L57 2002
- Survey Research (1999)
STACKS-2 HA31.2 .S37 1999
- Survey Research: The Basics (2003)
STACKS-2 H62 .P934
to top
Internet Sites
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- Office for Human Research
Protections (U.S. Department for Health and Human Services)
- Survey Research
Methods Section (American Statistical Association)
This site includes
general information about survey research, privacy and ethics, links to survey
research associations and societies, software for analysis of survey data, and
conferences and publication information.
- Resources for Methods in
Evaluation and Social Research
This page lists FREE resources for
methods in evaluation and social research. The focus is on "how-to" do
evaluation research and the methods used: surveys, focus groups, sampling,
interviews, and other methods. Most of these links are to resources that can
be read over the web.
- The Survey System
(Creative Research Systems)
This company offers FREE resources such as a
sample size calculator, and information on survey design, statistical
significance, and correlation.
- Web Survey Methodology (University of
Ljubljana, Slovenia)
This page is sponsored by the Center for Methodology
and Informatics at the Faculty of Social Sciences. They offer a bibliography
regarding aspects of web surveys such as sample design, selection, and
solicitation; questionnaire layout; ethical aspects; and (non)response,
representativeness, and generalization. They also offer a bibliography on
related topics and links to on-line discussion groups and conference
to top