Government Documents
The University of Michigan Documents Center and the Northwestern University
Library offer excellent access points for government documents. Links to their
resources are included in the appropriate sections. The other links are to CMU
databases, print reference sources, or resources of particular interest to researchers
at Carnegie Mellon.
Federal Register
The Federal Register is a U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) publication
that lists U.S. federal agency announcements and information, such as presidential
documents, agency meetings, grant opportunities, and proposed federal regulations.
- GPO Monthly
Catalog (Carnegie Mellon Users Only)
The Monthly Catalog provides access to over one-half million records on all
subjects of interest to the U. S. government, primarily from the executive
and legislative branches. Hunt Library has the corresponding Monthly Catalog
of U. S. Government Publications for the years 1919 though 1996 in print.
- Index
to Current Urban Documents (Carnegie Mellon Users Only)
The Index is a guide to the reports and research that are generated
by local government agencies, civic organizations, academic and research organizations,
public libraries, and metropolitan and regional planning agencies in approximately
500 selected cities in the United States and Canada. Check Cameo
to determine if Hunt Library has a copy of Pennsylvania state or local documents.
If not, documents can be acquired through interlibrary loan or purchased online.
Hunt Library holds the print indexes from 1975 to the present.
- Leadership Directories
These directories are a "who's who" of people at the federal, federal regional,
state, and municipal levels of government. Contact information is provided
for individuals and agencies.
- LexisNexis Congressional
(Carnegie Mellon Users Only)
This database provides comprehensive access to U.S. legislative information.
It includes members and committees, the Congressional Record, proposed
bills, bill tracking, testimony, legislative histories, federal laws from
1789 on (Statutes at Large), regulations, and more. Documents are available
in full text; the years of coverage vary by document type.
- Thomas
Legislative information from the Library of Congress.
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- Federal Government
Resources on the Web (University of Michigan Documents Center)
- GPO Access
This Government Printing Office site contains links to a variety of federal
agencies such as the Office of Management and Budget, National Council on
Disability, and the United States Commission on Civil Rights. The site provides
access through multiple means such as an alphabetical list of all databases
or by branch of government. Users can search multiple
databases individually or in combination.
- National Archives and Records Administration
The Access to Archival Databases (AAD) System gives you online access to
electronic records that are highly structured, such as in databases. The
initial release of AAD contains material from more than 30 archival series
of electronic records, which include over 350 data files totaling well over
50 million unique records. Available series include casualty lists from
the Korean and Vietnam wars, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Ownership Reporting System, 1978-1998 records, Port of New York ship passenger
lists,1846-1851 (Irish Famine database), etc. The system eventually will
expand to over 500 databases.
- National Science Foundation
The NSF is an independent U.S. government agency responsible for promoting
science and engineering. It annually invests over $3 billion to support research
and education projects related to these fields.
- Uncle Sam Migrating
Government Publications
This page tracks printed government publications that are migrating to the
Internet by identifying URLs and linking them directly to the electronic documents.
The scope of this list is limited to serials and periodicals and includes
those publications in dual format and in electronic (Internet) format only.
- The United States
Government Manual
The Manual contains descriptions of government agencies, primary members
of each agency, and contact information. Hunt Library has print editions from
1973/74 to the present. The Manual is arranged in the following manner:
- Legislative Branch
- Judicial Branch
- Executive Branch (with Departments)
- Independent Agencies
- Quasi Official Agencies
- Federal Boards, Commissions and Committees
- Non-Governmental Federally Related Sites
- Pennsylvania
- Government in Pennsylvania (Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania)
Provides links to local government websites as well as links to executive branch departments.
- Pennsylvania General Assembly
In addition to general information regarding the legislature, the House
of Representative and Senate links contain information on legislative
members and committee assignments.
- Electronic
Bill Room This page allows you to search the full-text of House
and Senate bills from 1971 to the present. The bill tracking feature
began in 1999. You can also view House and Senate Schedules and Calendars.
- Pennsylvania
The Manual provides information regarding the executive, legislative,
and judicial branches of the state government. There also are sections
on local government, elections, and Pennsylvania history. Earlier editions
(1949-) are available in Hunt Library.
- State Governments - General
- Pennsylvania
- Local Governments - General
- Local Governments
and Politics (University of Michigan Documents Center)
- State and Local
Governments (Library of Congress)
- Municipal Codes
(Seattle Public Library)
Codes are available for selected U.S. municipalities. Currently there
are no listings in Pennsylvania.
- National Association of Counties
NACo includes information on demographics, funding data for programs such
as the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), and public affairs
- The National League of Cities
The NLC's direct members include 49 state municipal leagues and 1,500
communities of all sizes. Through the membership of the state municipal
leagues, NLC represents more than 18,000 municipalities.
- The U.S. Conference
of Mayors
This is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations
of 30,000 or more. There are about 1,050 such cities in the country.
- Municipal Year Book (annual)
REF-1 JS344 .C5 A24 VOL. 75 2008
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Government Information on the Internet (2000)
REF-1 ZA5075 .G68 2000
Contains information on federal, state, local, and foreign government sites.
Many government pages are not available on commercial websites or retrieved
by general search engines. These specific sites and search engines are designed
to provide access to a much wider range of government information.
- Locators
This site is the primary portal for the Federal Government. This resource
connnects users to millions of web pages - from the federal government,
local and tribal governments, and to foreign nations around the world.
Users can search more than 50 million web pages. Most of these pages are
not available on commercial websites.
- (U.S. Department
of Commerce)
Users can search for federal government jobs, locate scientific and technical
studies, obtain tax forms, and much more.
- Commercial Search Engines