Unless otherwise noted, in this document the term Members
shall be used to mean Chapter Active and Pledge Members as
defined in the Bylaws.
Leadership requirement
Members are expected to take such leadership roles in Chapter
activities as their time and abilities permit.
In order to evaluate the progress of Pledge Members toward
this goal, they shall be required to take charge of at least
one Chapter project or event during the Pledging Period, although
they are encouraged to do more if they are able. If there
are more Pledge Members than the number of projects and events
that the Chapter can reasonably support, the Pledgemaster
may determine that significantly assisting the Chairman of
a major project or event shall be sufficient to show progress
towards this goal.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 10
Fellowship requirement
Members are expected to meet and establish a fraternal relationship
with the other Members of the Chapter.
To this end, Pledge Members shall be expected to spend time
with each Member of the Chapter in turn.
In order to evaluate the progress of Pledge Members toward
this goal, they shall be expected to obtain the signatures
(in the space provided in their Pledge Manual for doing so)
of the Members that they meet.
A Member giving a Pledge Member their signature is an indication
that they feel that they have spent enough time with the Pledge
Member to know them reasonably well.
Members are expected to make themselves available to the Pledge
Members for this purpose.
The Members whose signatures the Pledge Members are asked
to acquire under this clause shall be nine-tenths (9/10) of
the Chapter Active and Advisory Members, with the exception
of those Members that feel they would not be able to spend
the requisite time with the Pledge Members, and all Pledge
See National
Pledging Standards, part 11
Service requirement
Members are expected to put as much time in on service projects
as their schedules reasonably permit. The service projects
that a Member works on should be varied, and they should be
distributed among projects benefitting the Fraternity, the
Campus, the Community, and the Country.
As such an ideal is nearly impossible to measure, no specific
requirement can be set. However, at least twenty five hours spent on
service projects during the current Semester prior to the end of the
Pledging Period, no more than one-fifth of this number accrued from any
one project, and with at least one project from each of the four fields
of service being represented, shall impress upon the Chapter the Pledge
Member's willingness to live up to the standard that the Chapter has set
for itself.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 12
Service Hours (so far as this requirement is concerned) are
all time spent in the planning, set up, running, execution,
cleanup, and evaluation of any Alpha Phi Omega service event, and
time spent in the performance of the official duties of any
officer or appointee of the Chapter.
Knowledge of Fraternity and Chapter history
Members are expected to know and appreciate our Fraternity,
Chapter, and scouting history and heritage.
In order to evaluate the Pledge Members' progress toward this
goal, each individual Pledge Member is expected to make some
contribution to the recorded body of knowledge of the history
of the Fraternity, Chapter, campus, or our special ties to
and relationship with the scouting movement and our common
background and present it, individually or as part of a group,
to the chapter. This contribution may be in any appropriate
form that can be added to the chapter archives, and must be
approved by the Pledgemaster in advance. In addition, Pledge
Members shall be expected to show satisfactory performance
on a number of quizzes during the pledge period.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 7
Knowledge of and participation in Chapter operations
Members are expected to have a working knowledge of Fraternity
and Chapter rules, policies, and operating procedures and
are expected to attend and conduct themselves appropriately
at all Chapter meetings.
Members shall be instructed in, and expected to be familiar
with parliamentary procedure, and the rules of the Fraternity
and the Chapter.
To this end, Chapter Active Members are required to attend
two-thirds (2/3) of all Regular Meetings each Semester, and
may not miss more than two (2) consecutive Regular Meetings,
in order to remain in compliance with these standards, and
Pledge Members are required to attend two-thirds (2/3) of
the Regular Meetings during the Pledging Period, and may not
miss more than two (2) consecutive Regular Meetings, in order
to be eligible to become Chapter Active Members. If a Member
is not able to meet this requirement because of extenuating
circumstances, the Member may petition to be excused for individual
absences by submitting the reasons for the absence
to the Membership Committee either prior to or within twenty-four
(24) hours of the missed meeting. The Membership Committee
shall meet prior to the next Regular Meeting in order to determine
the validity of the excuse. If the excuse is deemed invalid,
the Member may appeal to the Chapter as a whole at the next
Regular Meeting, which may rule the excuse valid by a one-third
(1/3) vote. If the excuse is deemed valid by either the Membership
Committee or the Chapter, the missed meeting shall not be
included in the calculation of attendance for the Member.
After a Chapter Active Member has missed a third consecutive
Regular Meeting, or more than one-third (1/3) of the scheduled
Regular Meetings of the Semester, and there is no further
opportunity for an excuse to be deemed valid, the Member shall
immediately be considered not to be in compliance with these
See National
Pledging Standards, part 8
General requirements relating to Pledge Members
In order to provide for a consistent and fruitful Pledging
Period, and to help Pledge Members realize their full potential
as brothers, we have established certain standards and procedures
for the Pledging Period.
As Alpha Phi Omega is a collegiate fraternity, a potential
new member's decision to participate in the pledging process
should be made with due consideration to their academic obligations
and performance.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 14
In order that they be capable of experiencing the wide scope
of the National Fraternity, Pledge Members shall be given
the opportunity to visit other chapters.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 9
As Alpha Phi Omega is a fraternal organization, Pledge Members
are encouraged to organize a Pledge-Brother social and a Pledge
social event to help advance our cardinal principle of Friendship.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 11
Pledges shall attend all Pledge Meetings. The Pledgemaster
may, under extenuating circumstances, excuse a Pledge Member
for missing an individual Pledge Meeting.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 10
Pledge Members are expected to wear their pledge pins at all times.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 5
Pledge Members shall maintain their pledge manuals, and shall
be expected to bring them to meetings or anywhere else they
will be needed.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 15
In order to provide feedback to the Pledge Members, and to
assist Brothers in evaluating the Pledge Members' performance,
Pledge Members shall attend two Pledge Reviews, one during
the fourth or fifth week of the Pledging Period, and one during
the eighth or ninth week of the Pledging Period, at which
all Chapter Active Members are expected to be in attendance.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 18
In order to assist the Pledge Members in fully understanding
the commitments they will make to Alpha Phi Omega when they
are initiated, Pledge Members shall be instructed in the Fraternity
oath before initiation.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 16
Pledge Members must, to the satisfaction of the Chapter, show
that they are in the fellowship of the principles of Alpha
Phi Omega and the Boy Scouts of America as embodied in the
Scout Oath and Law.
See National
Pledging Standards, part 19 and National Bylaws, Article
III, Section 2
This document may be amended though the same procedure required
for amendment of the Chapter Bylaws.
As adopted January 27, 2013