What does "APhiO" mean?
APhiO stands for Alpha Phi Omega (sometimes seen as APO) (ΑΦΩ).
Our chapter here at Carnegie Mellon University is Kappa Chapter (Κ).
What is APhiO?
Alpha Phi Omega is a co-educational service fraternity. That means
that we are a group of individuals on the campus dedicated to service.
We perform service projects on the campus, to the community, and for
our brothers (both male and female). Our cardinal principles are
Leadership, Friendship, and Service.
A fraternity?
Yes, we are a fraternity, but we have both male and female brothers.
We do not have a house on the campus. We will never haze any of our
members and the fraternity does not provide alcohol at any events.
The "fraternity" aspect of our organization is embodied in our
commitment to each other and our common goals. As a member of Alpha
Phi Omega, you gain brothers, not just friends... people who will be there to
help you in whatever you need.
How do I get involved?
Come hang out with us!! We have a Rush period from the first day of
classes of a given semester for about a month (until September 25 this
semester). We have various service and fellowship throughout the
month which can be found on our calendar.
Come join us at these events. You must attend at least 2 rush events
or give a letter of written interest to the pledgemaster. After that,
if the brothers feel that they would like you to join our fraternity,
you will be offered a bid to pledge.
What happens at a Rush event?
It depends on the event, but the titles are good descriptors for the
main event. However, you will get an opportunity to hang out and meet
some of our brothers as well as other potential pledges. Even if you
don't end up pledging, by coming to hang out with us, you will get to
meet tons of new friends!!
What is involved in pledging?
Pledging is the process by which you get to know our fraternity. As a
pledge, you will attend weekly pledge class meetings as well as the
chapter meetings every week. You will chair a project so that you get
to learn about leadership while choosing the program of the fraternity
by choosing any fellowship or service project you would like to see
the brothers and other pledges participate in. You will also get to
meet the brothers and participate in all of our activities.
How much time is involved?
As a pledge, you will attend 2 meetings a week (perhaps one more if
you are an officer) which last about an hour. The meetings are about
an hour. If you have to miss a meeting, we understand and you just
need to talk to the pledgemaster. You will also perform 25 hours of
service, but we will provide ample opportunities for you to perform
these hours through our service program. You should also try to join
us for as many fellowship and service projects as possible as that is
where you will get to meet your future brothers and new friends!
What do I have to gain from Alpha Phi Omega?
There's a lot... so rather than trying to explain, I asked our
brothers. Here are their responses:
- leadership seminars
- fun-loving but sense of responsibility
- brotherhood
- nice people
- service events
- focus on service
- bigs/little brothers
- good, responsible citizens
- very supportive
- organized
- sense of humor
- funnelcakes
- non-judgmental
- lots of events
- being needed
- do lots of cool stuff for lots of people and have lots of fun doing it
- comfortable
- relaxed
- opportunities for leadership
- friends
- fun
Is everyone in the chapter as cool as the people/person I knew coming in?
Of course!
Some terms used by Kappa Chapter and Alpha Phi Omega:
- APhiO
- Alpha Phi Omega
- Alpha Phi Omega
- MemComm
- Membership Committee
- MemVP ("Mem-veep")
- Membership Vice President
- ServComm
- Service Committee
- ServeVP("serve-veep")
- Service Vice President
- FellComm
- Fellowship Committee
- FellVP
- Fellowship Vice President
- S@A
- Sergeant at Arms
- Alumni Relations Coordinator
- Leadership, Friendship, and Servce (our cardinal
- the APhiO leadship courses - Launch, Explore, Achieve, Discover,
- Chapter Program Planning Conference
Still have questions?
Stop by a rush event and chat with our brothers or e-mail us at aphio@andrew.cmu.edu.