Beibei Li
Assistant Professor
Anna Loomis McCandless Chair
Office Address:
Hamburg Hall 3026
5000 Forbes Ave
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: (+1)412-268-5002
E-mail: beibeili AT
Assistant: Carole M. McCoy, HBH 2102, (+1)412-268-6077
I joined the
Heinz College at
Carnegie Mellon University in Fall 2012 as an Assistant Professor of IT and Management. I received my PhD from Leonard N. Stern School of Business at NYU in 2012.
My research interests lie at the intersection between social and technical aspects of information technology. I am especially interested in how new technologies impact individual behavior and decision making. Recently, I have been attracted to the emerging digitization of human behavior. In particular, the mobile, web and sensor technologies today allow me to examine not only "what people say" (e.g., social media, word-of-mouth, online user-generaged content), but also "what people do" in both online (e.g., search and click stream, purchase) and offline environments (e.g., physical movement trajectory, quantified self and mobile health, internet-of-things). I am interested in exploring how such large-scale, fine-grained digital traces of individual behavior can help understand the heterogeneity in individual decision making and interactions across channels, and how the knowledge learned from such digitized behavioral traces can help facilitate transformations in various domains, such as healthcare, marketing and finance, and urban transportation.
To reach my goals, I apply inter-disciplinary approaches combining econometrics, economic structural modeling, Bayesian modeling and randomized experiments, with crowd-sourcing and machine learning techniques such as text mining, sentiment analysis and image classification.
My recent research has been published in Marketing Science, Management Science and several top IS, Economics, Marketing and CS conferences. I am the recipient of the
Anna Loomis McCandless Chair Professorship at Carnegie Mellon University in 2015. I am the winner of the
Best Paper Award at the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2011),
Best Theme Paper Award at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012), a
Google Faculty Research Award, a
Adobe Faculty Research Award and a
WCAI Research Award from Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative. I am the winner of the
Junior Marketing Researcher Award at the Big Data Marketing Conference 2015. I am also the winner of the
INFORMS ISS Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award , the
ACM SIGMIS Best Doctoral Dissertation Award and the
Herman E. Krooss Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2012-2013.
For more information, here is my
Academic Honors & Awards:
Anna Loomis McCandless Chair Professorship. 2015.
Junior Marketing Researcher Award. 2015.
Google Faculty Research Award. 2015.
Adobe Faculty Research Award. 2015.
Information Systems Research (ISR)/Information Systems Society (ISS) Best Reviewer of the Year Award. 2015 Management Science Distinguished Service Award. 2013.
INFORMS ISS Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award. 2013.
Herman E. Krooss Doctoral Dissertation Award. 2013.
ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Award. 2012.
Best Theme Paper Award. ICIS 2012.
Best Paper Award. International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2011.
Selected to the ICIS Doctoral Consortium. 2011.
Selected to the Columbia-Duke-UCLA Workshop on Quantitative Marketing and Structural Econometrics (QuantCamp). 2010.
Grants & Funding:
Berkman Faculty Award. Carnegie Mellon Univerity. 2015-2016.
Marketing Science Institute Grant. 2015.
Google Faculty Research Award. $66,000. 2015.
Adobe Faculty Research Award. $50,000. 2015.
Traffic21 Faculty Research Grant. $24,030. 2015-2016.
Berkman Faculty Award. Carnegie Mellon Univerity. $5,100. 2014-2015.
PNC Center for Financial Services Innovation Research Grant. $20,000. 2013-2014.
WCAI-Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative Research Opportunity Grant Award. 2012-2013.
ICDE PhD Workshop Fellowship Award ($1,000 by NSF grant IIS-0956600), 2010.
Business Intelligence and Data Mining with SAS (Master Level). Carnegie Mellon Univeristy. Fall 2012-Now.
Data Warehousing (Master in Business Analytics Core). Carnegie Mellon Univeristy. Fall 2012-Now.
Information Technology in Business and Society (Undergraduate Core). NYU Stern School of Business. Summer 2012.
Journal Publications:
Designing Ranking Systems for Hotels on Travel Search Engines by Mining User-Generated and Crowd-Sourced Content. Marketing Science. 2012. (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis)
Examining the Impact of Ranking on Consumer Behavior and Search Engine Revenue. Management Science. 2014.(with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis)
Selected Working Papers:
Learning Individual Behavior Using Sensor Data: The Case of GPS Traces and Taxi Drivers. 2016. (with Yingjie Zhang, Ramayya Krishnan)
Understanding User Economic Behavior in the City Using Large-scale Geotagged and Crowdsourced Mobility Analytics. 2016. (with Yingjie Zhang, Jason I. Hong)
The Impact of Car Specifications, Prices and Incentives For Battery Electric Vehicles in Norway: Choices of Heterogeneous Consumers. 2016. (with Yingie Zhang, Sean Qian, and Frances Sprei)
Zoom in iOS Clones: A Machine Learning Copycat Detection Method and Empirical Analysis. 2016. (with Param Vir Singh, Quan Wang)
A Tangled Web: The Impact of Displaying Fraudulent Reviews on Product Search Engines. 2016. (With Michael D. Smith, Uttara Ananthakrishnan)
Examining the Impact of Contextual Ambiguity on Search Advertising Keyword Performance: A Topic Model Approach. 2016. (with Vibhanshu Abhishek, Jing Gong)
Modeling Consumer Footprints on Search Engines: An Interplay with Social Media. 2016. (with Anindya Ghose, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis)
Trajectory-Based Mobile Advertising. 2016. (with Anindya Ghose, Siyuan Liu)
When Structural Model Meets Big Data: Examining Multi-Device Attribution for Native Ads Using TB-Sized Data. 2016. (with Quan Wang, Pengyuan Wang (Yahoo! Labs))
Nudging Mobile Customers with Real-Time Social Dynamics. 2016. (with Anindya Ghose, Siyuan Liu)
When The Bank Comes To You: Branch Network And Custsomer Multi-Channel Banking Behavior. 2016. (with Dan Geng, Vibhanshu Abhishek)
Examining The Impact Of Mobile Channel Adoption On Consumer Behavior In Retail Banking. 2016. (with Jun Liu, Vibhanshu Abhishek)
Apparatus, system, method and computer-readable medium for performing a product search using user-generated and crowd-sourced content. Li, B., A. Ghose, P.Ipeirotis, International Publication Number WO 2012/064661 issued May 2012.
Conference Publications:
Understanding User Economic Behavior in the City Using Large-scale Geotagged and Crowdsourced Data. Forthcoming in Proceedings of the 25th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Montreal, Canada, April 2016. (With Yingjie Zhang and Jason Hong)
A Tangled Web: Evaluating the Impact of Displaying Fraudulent Reviews. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dallas TX, 2015. (With Uttara Ananthakrishnan and Michael D. Smith) Best Paper Award Nomination
Trajectory-based Mobile Advertising. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dallas TX, 2015. (With Anindya Ghose and Siyuan Liu)
Learning from the Offline Trace: A Case Study of the Taxi Industry. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dallas TX, 2015. (With Yingjie Zhang, Ramayya Krishnan, and Siyuan Liu)
When the Bank Comes to You: Branch Network and Customer Multi-Channel Banking Behavior. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dallas TX, 2015. (With Vibhanshu Abhishek and Dan Geng)
Perils of Uncertainty? The Impact of Contextual Ambiguity on Search Advertising Keyword Performance. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), New Zealand 2014. (with Vibhanshu Abhishek and Jing Gong)
Zoom in iOS Clones: Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Mobile App Copycats. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), New Zealand 2014. (with Param Vir Singh and Quan Wang)
Search Less, Find More? Examining Limited Consumer Search with Social Media and Product Search Engines. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando 2012. (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis) Best Theme Paper Award
Towards a Theory Model for Product Search. In Proceedings of the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2011), Hyderabad, India, March 2011. (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis) Best Paper Award
Designing Ranking Systems for Hotels on Travel Search Engines to Enhance User Experience. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2010), St. Louis, December. (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis)
Papers and Talks in Workshops and Conference Programs:
When Structural Model Meets Big Data: Examining Multi-Device Attribution for Native Ads Using TB-Sized Data. (with Quan Wang, Pengyuan Wang, Jimmy Yang) WISE 2015.
All World's a Home - Estimating Hotel Latent Quality under Airbnb Entry. (With Uttara Ananthakrishnan and Michael D. Smith) WISE 2015.
Mobile Advertising and Real-Time Group Dynamics: Evidence from A Randomized Field Experiment. (with Anindya Ghose and Siyuan Liu) Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE), MIT, 2015.
Learning from the Offline Trace: A Case Study of the Taxi Industry. (with Yingjie Zhang, Ramayya Krishnan, and Siyuan Liu) WITS 2015.
A Tangled Web: The Impact of Displaying Fraudulent Reviews on Product Search Engines. CIST 2015, Winter Conference on Business Intelligence 2015.(With Uttara Ananthakrishnan and Michael D. Smith)
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising: Evidence from A Large-Scale Randomized Field Experiment. (with Anindya Ghose and Siyuan Liu) Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE), MIT, 2014.
Zoom in iOS Clones: Examining the Impact of Copycats on Mobile App Downloads. (with Param Vir Singh and Quan Wang) CIST 2014.
Perils of Uncertainty? The Impact of Contextual Ambiguity on Search Advertising Keyword Performance. (With Vibhanshu Abhishek and Jing Gong) INFORMS 2014, CIST 2014 Best Student Paper Award, Marketing Science 2014, Winter Conference on BI 2014, CSWIM 2014 Best Paper Award Runner-up
Surviving Social Media Overload: Predicting Consumer Footprints on Product Search Engines. (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis) WISE 2012, INFORMS 2012.
Examining the Impact of Search Engine Ranking and Personalization on Consumer Beavior: Combining Bayesian Modeling with Randomized Field Experiments. (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis) WISE 2011
Designing Ranking Systems for Hotels on Travel Search Engines by Mining User-Generated and Crowd-Sourced Content. (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis) Bass UTD Forms Conference 2012, bi-annual Conference on the Economics of Intellectual Property, Software and the Internet 2011, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2010, SCECR 2010
The Economic Impact of User-Generated Content on the Internet: Combining Text Mining with Demand Estimation in the Hotel Industry. (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis) WISE 2009, WIST 2009.
Stay Elsewhere? Improving Local Search for Hotels Using Econometric Modeling and Image Classification. (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis) WebDB 2008, Winter Conference on Business Intelligence 2008.
Invited Talks:
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. Booth School of Business (Marketing), University of Chicago, March 2016.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle. April 2016.
Analyzing Consumer Behavior on Product Search Engines. Interplay Between Social Media and Search. Google Inc. Pittsburgh, April 2016.
TBD. Carl H. Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati. Fall 2016.
Mobile Advertising Using Customer Movement Patterns. Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University. Dec. 2015.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. Smeal School of Business: Penn State University. Oct. 2015.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. Eli Broad College of Business: Michigan State University. Oct. 2015.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. School of Business, Chinese University of Hong Kong. July 2015.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. School of Management, Fudan University. July 2015.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. Singapore Management University. July 2015.
A Tangled Web: The Impact of Displaying Fraudulent Reviews on Product Search Engines. Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. July 2015.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. Fox School of Business (Marketing), Temple University. May 2015.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. Rady School of Management, UC San Diego. Mar 2015.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology. Oct 2014.
Mobile Trajectory-Based Advertising. McCombs College of Business, UT Austin. Sept. 2014.
Analyzing Consumer Behavior on Product Search Engines: Interplay Between Social Media and Search. Nanyang Technological University. July 2014.
Analyzing Consumer Behavior on Product Search Engines: Interplay Between Social Media and Search. Alibaba. Hangzhou, China. June 2014.
Analyzing Consumer Behavior on Product Search Engines: Interplay Between Social Media and Search. Singapore Management University. June 2014.
Surviving Social Media Overload: Predicting Consumer Footprints on Product Search Engines. CMU Heinz College Monday Seminar Series. Feb 2014.
Surviving Social Media Overload: Predicting Consumer Footprints on Product Search Engines. Gatton College of Business and Economics (Marketing), University of Kentucky. Feb 2014.
Analyzing Consumer Behavior on Product Search Engines: Interplay Between Social Media and Search. CMU Machine Learning and Social Science Seminar Series. April 2013.
Surviving Social Media Overload: Predicting Consumer Footprints on Product Search Engines. Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. Nov 2012.
Analyzing Consumer Behavior on Product Search Engines. Nov 2011. CMU Job Talk.
Towards a Theory Model for Product Search. Baidu, Inc. June 2011, Beijing, China.
A Demo Search Engine for Products. Hyderabad, India, WWW 2011.
A Demo for Product Search. Technology Expo, NYU. Nov 2010, New York City.
Designing Ranking Systems for Hotels on Travel Search Engines. New York Computer Science and Economics Day. The New York Academy of Sciences, World Trade Center, New York City, 2010.
Extracting Economic Value from Online User-Generated Content: Combining Text Mining with Demand Estimation in the Hotel Industry. New York Computer Science and Economics Day. The New York Academy of Sciences, World Trade Center, New York City, 2009.
Improving Local Search for Hotels Using Econometric Modeling and Image Classification. Microsoft Virtual Earth Award Summit, May, 2008, Redmond, WA.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs
Last Modified on Monday, April 11, 2016.