Statement of Purpose
Cantonese Campus Fellowship is affiliated with
Pittsburgh Chinese
Church, and is a non-denominational Christian group
composed mainly
of Cantonese speaking students from Carnegie Mellon University.
It was formed for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel, glorifying
God, and to promote personal spiritual growth. This will be accomplished
by worshipping through music, bible studies, prayer meetings, and
cell groups.
President is responsible for calling meetings when necessary to
discuss and plan overall goals for the fellowship and finding ways
of achieving these goals. It is also the coordinator's duty to resolve
any conflicts with exist internally or externally. President coordinates
and prepares bible study and worship as well.
Vice-President is to coordinate and prepare bible study and worship
part of the fellowship meetings, follow up with visitors, and lead
campus publicity of fellowship events.
The secretary/treasurer is to manage all clerical duties such as
accounting, bookkeeping, writing reports and minutes for officers
meetings, and to report to the appropriate officers for any problems
regarding the budget of the organization.
Devotional Leader
The role of the devotional leader is to organize prayer meeting
and prayer request list, promote devotion sharing, and personal
quiet time.
List of Officers and contact
Membership Selection
Even though Cantonese Campus Fellowship is organized by a group
of Cantonese speaking Christians, we welcome anyone who is interested
in knowing our God. Therefore, we do not discriminate in anyway
against race, age, or gender.
Officer Selection
Selection of new officers will take place at the end of spring
semester. The selection process will begin with a series of nomination
by members and officers, and the decision will be reached via group
consensus from the officers of the preceding year. Although all
members are encouraged to contribute to the fellowship, in order
to hold officer position requires a minimum qualifications of: regular
attendance and active participation, and positive contribution.