Here are a few photos from a recent trip to London. In addition to attending the annual meeting of the Society for the History of Natural History, the focus of which was natural history art and illustration, I was also able to visit several botanic gardens, libraries and museums: The Natural History Museum; the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; the RHS Lindley Library; the Chelsea Physic Garden; and last but not least, the Linnean Society of London. It was awe-inspiring to see these historical collections and to talk with some of the people who maintain them and provide access to them today.
While in London I also participated in meetings with librarians and scholars from England, Sweden and Denmark to discuss possible collaborative projects based on our Linnaean collections.
Here are a few views from my visit there.
Personal news
Photos from the Southwest (U.S.)
Photos from the Missouri Botanical Garden
Photos from the University of Virginia
Photos from Holland
Photos from Slovakia
Photo from Florida
Photos of our cats