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of Freeland, Pa. Gallery of church images |
Most of these are images from postcards, some quite old. Thanks to my brother Steve for the postcards he's given me, to Captain Clint for letting me use some of the images posted on his website (listed on my "Links" page), and to Tony Sutherland for the three images of St. John's Nepomucene Church. Thanks also to Charlie Stumpf for the photo of Pastor Roth and the interior of St. Luke's, to John Grayson Jones for photos of the New Calvary Pentecostal Church in winter along with the interior, and to Bill Smith for the photo of St. Luke's 1945 confirmation class. As I get more pictures (and permissions), I'll add images to this section. If you know of other Freeland images that would be good to include here, I'd like to talk with you about getting copies; please send e-mail, and thanks. Bethel Baptist Church - An early view of the church at Ridge & Walnut Streets, built to replace an earlier church that had been located on Fern Street. Here's the cornerstone. New Calvary Pentecostal Church - This church was built on Front St. near Birkbeck Sreet in the 1920s. Here's another photo taken in winter, along with a view of the interior. At a later time the building was reused by the Beth Shalom Congregation, and now it houses the Freeland branch of the Hazleton Area Public Library, as indicated by the plaque added to the cornerstone. Park Methodist Episcopal Church - Built on Main Street near the Public Park, this church replaced an earlier one, Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, which was located in South Heberton on Birkbeck Street. Another view shows Main Street in 1912 or earlier, looking toward the Public Park with the Methodist Church on the right at the end of the block. Here's the cornerstone of the church. St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church - An early view of the original St. Ann's Church at Woodside, before a new church was built at 820 Center Street, and later a newer one was built on the same site. And here's another early view of the first St. Ann's church. St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church - St. Anthony's is the church closest to the viewer in the row of churches shown here on Fern Street, the other two being older and newer St. Mary's churches. Here's another early view, interestingly labeled "St. Januarius." A new St. Anthony's Church was later built on the same site as the old one. This is the cornerstone. St. Casimir's Roman Catholic Church - St. Casimir's was founded early in Freeland's history by immigrants from Poland and Lithuania. This cornerstone on the current building commemorates both the original church and the newer one that was built to replace it at the same location on Ridge Street. Just up the street on the same block of Ridge St. was St. John's original church building. St. John Nepomucene Roman Catholic Church - The original St. John's Nepomucene Church was at Ridge and Luzerne Streets. Later a new church was built on Vine Street at South Street, as commemorated on the cornerstone. The earlier photo appeared in the Kalendar Jednota 1906. Its caption translates to: "Slovak Church and Rev. Karol Pajdusak, pastor in Freeland, Pa."Also from the same Kalendar Jednota 1906, here is a view of the interior of the old church. Just down the street on the same block of Ridge St. was St. Casimir's Church. St. John's Reformed United Church of Christ - Located at Washington and Chestnut Streets, St. John's Reformed Church was founded in the late 1880s, as documented by its cornerstone. St. Luke's Lutheran Church - The original St. Luke's Church, shown here, was constructed of wood, and stood at Washington & Main Streets. The original church, shown here in another view, was built in the year that Freeland was incorporated. It was later rebuilt of local stone on the same site, as commemorated on the cornerstone. Here is a view of the interior of St. Luke’s in the fall of 1910 as “Harvest Home” was being celebrated by Pastor D. A. Roth (photo courtesy of C. Stumpf). Also, shown here is St. Luke's confirmation class in 1945 (photo courtesy of Bill Smith). St. Mary's Byzantine Catholic Church - There have been three different St. Mary's Churches constructed on the same block of north Fern Street. Shown here are the second church building (the center church of the three churches shown here) and third church building (at the top of the hill). Here too is another view of the current church from back before the convent was built, and a view of the cornerstone. St. Michael's Orthodox Greek Catholic Church - No photo yet, but I hope to add one soon. If anyone reading this page has a photo that you would be willing to share, please let me know. Thanks. Ss. Peter & Paul's Eastern Greek Catholic Church - The building that is now Ss. Peter & Paul's Eastern Greek Catholic Church at 921 Walnut Street was formerly a school for girls called the Girls Loyalty Club, run by Mrs. Sophia Coxe. In the 1930s she donated the building to be used as Ss. Peter & Paul's Church. This view shows the Girls Loyalty Club, before it was modified for use as a church by enlarging the building. The cornerstone is part of that addition. St. Peter and Paul's Slovak Lutheran Church - This is said to be the earliest Slovak Lutheran church in the western hemisphere. I'll add a photo of the church later, but here are the cornerstone and the historical marker issued by the state of Pennsylvania. Union Presbyterian Church - The Union Presbyterian Church stands at 607 Front Street. This partial view of the cornerstone shows the name but not the dates, 1894-1916. |