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of Freeland, Pa. Gabuzda Brothers |
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Most of the information on this page comes from Gabuzda family members: the late John Gabuzda, the late Bernice Gabuzda Clapper, Marion Gabuzda Boyle Denion, Mary Cooper, Martha Gabuzda Cooper, Thomas G. Gabuzda, M.D., and also from extended family member Ed Merrick. Early years in Freeland - Immigration and apprenticeships This story of the Gabuzda Brothers' businesses in Freeland begins with their cousin George Palya and his wife, Anna (Tkac or Tkacs) Palya. George Palya was born in Slovakia (then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire) in 1872 and came to the U.S. around 1886, settling in Freeland. He married Anna Tkac (pronounced Kotch) in 1898. Anna was born in 1881 in Harleigh, probably the oldest daughter of Stephen and George Gabuzda's uncle Ladislav Tkacs and Anna (Sabol) Tkacs, so she would have been Stephen and George's first cousin, and she would have been the connection that led to the Gabuzda brothers first getting into the meat business. George Palya opened a meat store at 452 Centre Street in the first decade of the 20th century. In that decade the young Gabuzda brothers also emigrated from Slovakia, going first to Mahanoy City and then moving to Freeland. They apprenticed themselves to their cousin, George Palya, an established Freeland “butcher” (now known as meat cutters). Stephen began working with him around 1908, and he lived in the Palya household for a few years. George began his apprenticeship with his cousin around 1910-11. ![]() Opening their own business ![]() ![]() Around 1913 the brothers formed a partnership and opened their own meat and grocery store, “Gabuzda Bros. Meats and Groceries,” at the northeast corner of Centre and Chestnut streets (which would later be Reese’s home and store, in the building shown at left in the next photo). In 1914 they contracted for the building of the brick store/house that still stands at 899 Centre St. across from the Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception rectory, and they moved in together in 1915, Stephen married, George still single, all living above the store. George married in 1917, and in 1919 after he returned from army duty in WWI, he and his wife hired Berger Construction to build a home for them at 941 Centre street, half a block away. Stephen and his wife remained in the original home attached to the store at 899 Centre. Marion Gabuzda Boyle Denion remembers growing up in that home: “This was a big beautiful home with store front and small office. The large side porch(seen in photos) led into a living room, large formal dining room and very large eat in kitchen(after dinner we would add another leaf to the large oak table and play ping pong),an open stairway to 6 large bedrooms,all with walk in closets, one large bathroom, a sign of the time(we kids bonded waiting in line when home from school for lunch!) Steve and Mary (Sarna) Gabuzda had 7 children. A very busy household! ... I loved growing up in that beautiful home and beautiful town." ![]() Taken in the 1920s, this photo at left shows both Reese’s store and home (at left) where the Gabuzda Bros. first opened their business, and the new store/home built for them. The awning says “Gabuzda Bros.” Photo from John Gabuzda. ![]() Also taken in the 1920s, at right, Gabuzda Brothers Meats & Groceries, 899 Centre St., Freeland Pa. The sign across top of left window says “Meat Market.” Photo from John Gabuzda. Ed Merrick, son of another Freeland grocer and a relative of the Gabuzdas, commented on these two photos: “My grandmother Remak was a Sarna, and her sister, Mary, was married to a Gabuzda. I sent the Gabuzda photos to my cousin, Ann (Reinsmith) Cravener, and she says the woman in the one photo is our great aunt Mary (Sarna) Gabuzda, my maternal grandmother's sister, and the car in the other photo belonged to John Stuntz, who had a store just south of Gabuzdas' that sold radios, phonographs, sheet music, and records. She wrote, ‘It was always so shiny and polished. He had it for year and years, even after he bought a Packard for his teenaged son to use.’” ![]() As a side note, Stephen's son Eddie formed and led a swing band with a group of his MMI classmates in the mid-1930s. You can read about them on the page about Edward Gabuzda and his orchestra. George and Stephen were in partnership for nearly 20 years, approximately 1914-1933. After that, they dissolved the partnership and Steve kept the store/house, while George took the Glen Almus Farm and eventually also opened his own store a few blocks away. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Gabuzda Bros. receipt, 1927. Stephen A. Gabuzda receipt, front and back, 1950s, from Marion Gabuzda Boyle Denion. ![]() Stephen Gabuzda meat tape, from Marion Gabuzda Boyle Denion. ![]() ![]() Letterhead at left from John Gabuzda; letterhead at right, with the slogan “If it’s good to eat, we sell it,” from Marion Gabuzda Boyle Denion. Glen Almus Farm and Dairy ![]() Bernice Gabuzda Clapper recalled: “They did their own milk bottling and house to house delivery. They were their own suppliers of many fresh products. In the early days, in addition to the Ayrshire dairy herd and bottling plant, they bred chickens, pigs and cows for slaughter, a truck farm for vegetables, a fruit orchard and cattle feed (soybeans, oats and corn). They entered their dairy herd annually in most of the Pennsylvania county Fairs earning many blue ribbons for first place. Some layer hens were kept in coops in their truck garage at the Freeland location from which came fresh eggs daily. Some customers were lucky enough to get them still warm from the nests. They employed a number of people, including 2 tenant families on the farm, in the store and on the road. Their sons also had to work after school and on Saturdays.” Ed Merrick also offered this recollection: “My grandmother Remak was a Sarna, and her sister, Mary, was married to a Gabuzda. I sent the Gabuzda photos to my cousin, Ann (Reinsmith) Cravener. She said the Glen Almus Dairy was owned by our great uncle Steve's brother, George Gabuzda, and that he also raised turkeys there, ‘a lot of them,’ but she doesn't know where it was located. She said, ‘We drank the Gabuzda milk for years. It was raw, but no one ever got sick from it.’” ![]() Painting of Glen Almus Farm by Thomas G. Gabuzda, M.D. Photo from John Gabuzda. ![]() ![]() Here are the award winning Ayrshire cows in the 1930s and a 1985 photo of the Almus Farm, Pond Creek, 3 miles east of Freeland, Route 940. Photos from Mary Cooper. ![]() Glen Almus letterhead, from Marion Gabuzda Boyle Denion. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A Glen Almus Dairy milk box. We had one of these on our porch! Such boxes were a common sight in the days of regular milk and dairy product delivery. The center photo shows that the inside of the box had a kind of “insulation” to help keep the contents cool until the customer removed them to put in their refrigerator, and the left photo shows the name of Steve Kobelka stamped on the side. Steve Kobelka was our milkman when I was growing up in Freeland. ![]() Going separate ways in 1933 From John Gabuzda: The brothers ran the store at Centre and Chestnut streets and the Glen Almus farm together until they decided to dissolve their business partnership in 1933. At that time, they agreed that Steve would keep the store/house at 899 Centre, while George would take over the Glen Almus Farm. George also operated several shops over the next 18 years in Hazleton and Freeland, until he died in 1951. John recalled: “His last shop I think was in the brick building on the corner of Centre/Front; his was the unit one store from the corner that housed the Garden Chen restaurant [before it was relocated near the Refowich senior apartments – CT]. My Dad operated the farm for a year by himself while working fulltime at PP&L. The store was closed and the farm sold at auction about then. Before he died, my grandfather George turned Glen Almus into a beef cattle farm, in the 1940s.” Steve Gabuzda died in 1966. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Right: Corner Centre and Chestnut streets looking north, Gabuzda store and house on right. Kushner-Herkalo store and home on left. Photos from Marion Gabuzda Boyle Denion. Meanwhile, George opened his own store a few blocks away, which his grandson John recalled was “... in the brick building on the corner of Centre/Front; his was the unit one store from the corner that housed the Garden Chen restaurant” [before it was relocated near the Refowich senior apartments – CT]. ![]() Ed Merrick wrote: I looked more closely at the two photos of George Gabuzda in the store and would like to point out an interesting detail: In the photo on the left, notice the claw hook dangling just about George's hat. It is attached to the beam scale above. When the meat provision companies from Hazleton delivered a side of beef to the store, the beef was hung on the claw and weighed. Notice the weights on the scale above George. I would guess that the room-like structure with the window behind him is a walk-in cooler, where the side of beef was stored until George cut it up. We had both items in our store at 355 Center Street and bought our beef from C&R Provision Company in Hazleton. I spent many an hour with frozen hands trimming meat from bones, which I then ground up into hamburger. Every week, what we called the tallow company would arrive to pick up the fat and the bones we had trimmed and hadn't sold for making soup, weigh the lot, and pay us for the trimmings. During World War II, the fat and grease that housewives brought in was collected and used for making explosives. ![]() Bernice Gabuzda Clapper recalled some additional things about the brothers that she wanted people to know: “During the Great Depression years of the 1930s they kept many families ‘on the books,’ later canceling some of those debts, causing indebtedness to themselves. George sat on the Board of Directors of the Citizens Bank. Both brothers were active members of the Freeland B.P.O.E. (Elks Club), doing charitable fundraisers and other good works. They financed one of the side altars of the St. John’s Nepomucene Church (Slovak) when it was newly erected. They were for a time partners in ownership of a mahogany forest in British Honduras.” ![]() The original Gabuzda Brothers building is still there today on the corner of Centre and Chestnut streets. Two more businesses related to the Gabuzdas Andy Hasara ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Andy Hasara at work, and a view of his store building on South street. Photos from John Gabuzda. George Palya George Palya was born in Slovakia (then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire) in 1872 and came to the U.S. around 1886, settling in Freeland. He opened a meat business and grocery store at 452 Centre Street, right in the center of the business district. He had a slaughter house behind the store, and a meat wagon for making deliveries. He took his nephews, Stephen and George Gabuzda (also recent Slovak immigrants), on as apprentices, giving them the start they needed in order to get a foothold in their own business. See the page on George Palya for more information. Emri Silvasi Another more distant family relation in the Slovak butcher businesses was that of Emri ("Imre") Silvasi. John Gabuzda recalled: “George Gabuzda married Anna Silvasi of West Hazleton; her father Joe Silvasi ran a bar, Silvasi's Corner, there. Joe's first cousin (?) was Emri, who owned a butcher business at 409 Centre street in Freeland [just north of where McNulty’s Funeral Home had been – CT]. We have no photos or documents of his business, but my mom & dad both have some memories of it, if you haven't got that one in your map of Freeland. Not sure on the dates of that business, but my mom shopped there in say, the late 1920s, early 1930s, so he was a contemporary of Palyas and Gabuzda Bros.” Emri Silvasi’s name also comes up on the page about Merrick’s grocery. ![]() Emri Silvasi family. Photo from John Gabuzda. |