Monday Morning, June 14
Self Assembly
09:00 1.
A new
colloidal model system with an interaction tunable from hard sphere to very
soft and dipolar by M. Leunissen, P. Royall, A. Yethiraj, A. van
09:20 2.
Field- and
shear-driven collective phenomena in suspensions by B. Khusid,
A. Acrivos
09:40 3.
of Colloidal Particles by Electrohydrodynamic Flow by W. D. Ristenpart, I. A. Aksay, D. A. Saville
10:00 4.
strength dependent kinetics of nanocolloidal gold deposition by M. Brouwer,
S. Kooij, H. Wormeester, B. Poelsema
10:20 coffee
10:40 5. Studies
in nonlinear electrokinetics: the steady circulation produced about a small
particle in an AC-field by J. C.
11:00 6.
Motion of
a Single Particle Levitated above an Electrode in an A/C Field by J. A. Fagan, D. C. Prieve, P. J. Sides
11:20 7.
Plenary Talk: AC Field
Induced Flows for Tunable Colloidal Aggregation: Experiments, Theory, and
Related Microfluidics Applications by A. Ajdari
12:30 lunch
Monday Afternoon, June 14
General Papers: A/C Electrokinetics
02:00 8.
Keynote Talk: Electroacoustic effects in suspensions of microporous particles by R. W. O'Brien,
W. N. Rowlands
02:40 9.
Dielectric Dispersion in Colloidal Suspensions of Uncharged Insulating
Particles by C. Grosse, J. J. Lopez-Garcia, J. Horno
03:00 10.
of Concentrated Suspensions. Model Predictions and Experimental Data on
Electroacoustics and Dielectric Dispersion by A. V. Delgado, F. Carrique,
F. J. Arroyo, S. Ahualli
03:20 coffee
03:40 11. Determination of the effective charge of different
nanocolloids at high ionic strength using conductivity and acoustophoresis by S. Durand-Vidal,
P. Turq, J. B. Rosenholm
04:00 12.
On the use
of the hypothesis of electroneutrality for the calculation of the dielectric
properties of colloidal suspensions by J. J. Lopez-Garcia, C. Grosse, J. Horno
04:20 13. Anomalous
Field Induced Particle Orientation in Mixtures of Charged Rodlike and Spherical
Colloids by T. Bellini, F.
04:40 14. Electrowetting
in a Confined Liquid-Liquid System: Devices, Experiments and Physical Model
by T. Roques-Carmes, R. A. Hayes, B. J.
Feenstra, L. J. M. Schlangen
05:00 15.
Electrophoretic Mobility of a Highly Charged Colloidal Particle by H. Ohshima
05:20 16.
Simulation of Electroosmotic Tansport in Nanochannels by R. Qiao, N.
Monday Evening, June 14
06:00 17.
of Collagen Layers by Streaming Current/ Streaming Potential Measurements by U. Freudenberg, R.
Zimmermann, K. Schmidt, S.-H. Behrens, H. Auweter, W. Pompe, C. Werner
06:00 18. Colloidal
Particle Separation in Nonuniform Electric Fields by H. Zhou, L.
R. White, R. D. Tilton
06:00 19.
Concentration polarization of monolayer of ion-exchange
granules and porous diaphragm and its influence on electroosmosis by N. A. Mishchuk,
L. L. Lysenko
06:00 20.
one boundary condition employed in modeling electrokinetic phenomena using cell
model approach by E. K. Zholkovskij, J. H. Masliyah, V. N. Shilov, S.
06:00 21.
of concentrated suspensions in non-aqueous media by M. Medrano, A.
T. Perez, C. Soria
06:00 22.
of Sequence-Specific DNA Binding onto Liposomal Surfaces with Capillary Zone
Electrophoresis by B. F. Marques, J. W. Schneider
06:00 23.
of spherical particle with double layer of arbitrary thickness by O. Shramko,
V. Shilov
06:00 24.
of electrolyte solutions in a capillary slit with surface charge layers by H. C. Ma, H. J.
06:00 25.
effects during Langmuir-Blodgett film deposition by V. I. Kovalchuk,
E. K. Zholkovskiy, M. P. Bondarenko, D. Vollhardt
06:00 26.
Manipulation of Colloids in Nonpolar Liquids by J. Kim, J. L. Anderson, S.
Garoff, L. Schlangen
06:00 27.
Potential and Surface Conductivity of Poly(acrylic acid) and Poly(ethylene
oxide) Brushes in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions by R. Zimmermann,
Norde, M.
A. Cohen Stuart, C. Werner
06:00 28.
Potential of Polymer Containing Disperse System by K. B. Musabekov,
K. I. Omarova
06:00 29.
of Colloidal Systems of Low Ion Diffusivity by M. A. Preston, R. Kornbrekke,
L. R. White
06:00 30.
Enhanced Mass Transport Inside Crosslinked Polyacrylamide Gels by M. A. Matos,
R. D. Tilton, L. R. White
06:00 31.
Electrophoretic Deposition of Metal Oxides in
Carboxyl-Containing Oligomer Dispersions
by A. G. Zhygotsky, L. I. Tertykh, G. I.
Chalyuk, Ye. F. Rynda, V. P. Klimenko
06:00 32.
Phenomena at Polymer Films for Biosensor Applications by R. Zimmermann,
O. Birkert, G. Gauglitz, C. Werner
06:00 33.
Determination of the Low and High-Frequency Dielectric Dispersion Parameters of
Aqueous Suspensions of Latex Particles for Different Counterion and Co-Ion
Diffusion Coefficients by M. Tirado, C. Grosse
06:00 34.
Adsorption onto Maleic Acid Copolymer Surfaces Analysed by Combined
Determination of Zeta Potential, Surface Conductivity and Optical Layer
Thickness by T. Osaki, M. Markowski, C. Werner
06:00 35.
electro-osmosis: Theory and microfluidic applications by M. Z. Bazant, T. M.
06:00 36.
of mass transfer at electroremediation of sod-podzol soil by L. L. Lysenko, N.
A. Mishchuk
06:00 37.
of electroosmosis of the second kind in the systems of granules of ion-exchange
materials by N. A. Mishchuk, N. O. Barinova
06:00 38.
Experimental Vertical Forces on a Single Colloidal Particle near an Electrode
in AC Fields from 10-10000 Hz by J. A. Fagan,
D. C. Prieve, P. J. Sides
06:00 39.
Simulations and Experimental Studies to Analyze the Relevance of Surface
Microroughness for Electrokinetic Phenomena by Y. Hu, D. Li, R. Zimmermann,
C. Werner
06:00 40. Newtonian fluid slip during electrokinetic flow in
surface-treated microfluidic channel by
M.-S. Chun, T. S. Lee, N. W. Choi
06:00 41.
Calculation of the Dielectric Spectra and Electrorotation Velocity of Cells by V. Zimmerman, C.
Grosse, V. N. Shilov
06:00 42.
of freezing transition of sterically stabilized colloids with tuning
interactions by M. Mayorga, D.
06:00 43.
Pulse Regime
of Electroremediation of Clay Soils by C. Abbruzzese, B. Kornilovich, N. Mishchuk,
R. Klischenko, G.Pshynko
06:00 44.
Application of a Dynamic Stern Layer
Model to Electrophoretic Mobility Measurements of Latex Particles by L. R. White, M. A. Preston,
R. O. Jack, F. McNeil-Watson,
Carlos A.Rega.
06:00 45. The
Electrokinetic Properties of Organophilic Montmorillonite Dispersions in Low
Dielectric Fluids by V. N. Moraru
06:00 46.
phase behaviour in charged colloids: re-entrant melting and freezing by P. Royall, M.
Leunissen, A. van Blaaderen
06:00 94.
Characterization of Cells and Viruses
by D. Fairhurst, R. Rowell, R. Shattock, A.
Tuesday Morning, June 15
Environmental Electrokinetics
09:00 47.
Keynote Talk: Colloid and Colloid-Facilitated Contaminant Transport Experiments and
Models to Support Assessments of Radionuclide Migration at
Yucca Mountain and the Nevada Test Site by P. W. Reimus
09:40 48.
faciliated transport models of subsurface contaminant transport at Yucca
Mountain, the Nevada Test Site and the Hanford Site by H. Viswanathan
10:00 49.
of Colloids in Unsaturated Porous Media: Pore-scale Observation of Processes
During Dissolution of Air-water Interface by A. Keller, S. Sirivithayapakorn
10:20 coffee
10:40 50.
Thickness of Petroleum Oil Adsorbed Layers in Wide Pipes by S. F. Alkafeef,
A. F. Alajmi, M. K. Algharaib
11:00 51.
of water-in-oil emulsion evolution using acoustic, electroacoustic and conductometric
characterization. by P. Goetz, A. S. Dukhin
11:20 52. Plenary Talk: Role of Electrostatic Interactions in Bacterial
Adhesion and Transport in Aquatic Environments by M. Elimelech
12:30 lunch
Tuesday Afternoon, June 15
Environmental Electrokinetics
02:00 53. The
role of the Electrokinetic Potential in the Adhesion of Epithelial Cells on
Biomaterials by F. Thomas, L.
02:20 54. Particle
Behaviour at Horizontal and Vertical Fluid Interfaces and in Thin Liquid Films
by T. S. Horozov, R. Aveyard, B. P.
Binks, J. H. Clint
02:40 55.
Particle Adsorption and Desorption at Solid-Liquid Interfaces by A. I.
Abdel-Fattah, M. S. El-Genk, P. W. Reimus
03:00 56.
of gas admixture on the properties of disperse systems by N. A. Mishchuk
03:20 coffee
03:40 57.
Measurements of Reservoir Rock Cores in Low Electrolyte Concentrations by S. F. Alkafeef,
A. F. Alajmi
04:00 58.
of the Zeta Potential of Gas Bubbles in Aqueous Solution by Flotation Potential
Method by Y. Koide, K. Yamada, S. Yamaguchi, H. Sasaki, S.-N. Usui
04:20 59.
Properties of Natural Fibres by C. Bellmann, A. Caspari, T. T. L. Doan, E. Mäder, T.
Luxbacher, R. Kohl
04:40 60.
phenomena in montmorillonite: from Kubo to Smoluchowski by P. Turq, V. Marry, N. Malikova, J.-F. Dufreche
05:00 61.
and Electroosmosis in Low Temperature Ionic Liquids by M. Kosmulski,
J. B. Rosenholm, C. Saneluta, K. Marczewska-Boczkowska
Wednesday Morning, June 16
Electrokinetics in Low-Dielectric Fluids
09:00 62.
of Charged Species in Low Dielectric Fluids by Transient Current Measurements by A. R. M.
Verschueren, G. C. van Zandwijk, F. Strubbe, L. J. M. Schlangen, P. H. L.
Notten, K. Neyts
09:20 63.
measurements of a colloidal model system in nonaqueous media by A. D.
Hollingsworth, M. E. Leunissen, A. Yethiraj, P. M. Chaikin, W. B. Russel,
A. van Blaaderen
09:40 64.
properties of non-polar liquids and dispersions with non-ionic surfactants and
means of their characterization. by A. S. Dukhin, P. J. Goetz
10:00 65.
and Electrode Polarization in a Nonpolar Liquid by J. L. Anderson,
J. Kim, S. Garoff, L. Schlangen
10:20 coffee
10:40 66. Electroacoustic
theory for concentrated dispersions with arbitrary ka. Nano-colloids.
Non-aqueous dispersions. by V. N.
Shilov, Yu. B. Borkovskaja, A. S. Dukhin
11:00 67.
mobility of concentrated suspensions in non-aqueous media by A. T. Perez,
E. Lemaire
11:20 68. Plenary Talk: Electrostatic Charges in Nonpolar Solutions and
Dispersions by I. D. Morrison
12:30 lunch
Wednesday Afternoon, June 16
Electrokinetics of Complex Surfaces
02:00 69.
Keynote Talk: Electrokinetics of Soft (Stealth®) Liposomes by J. A. Cohen,
V. A. Khorosheva
02:40 70.
in Structured Colloids by J. M. Méndez-Alcaraz, O. Alarcón-Waess
03:00 71.
of Protein Adsorption by Electrokinetic Measurements and Reflectometric
Interference Spectroscopy by R. Zimmermann, T. Osaki, G. Gauglitz, C.
03:20 coffee
03:40 72.
electrokinetics and hydrodynamics of soft interfaces. How far can continuum
models take us? by R. J. Hill
04:00 73. Electrokinetics
of Solid Colloids Relevant to the Formation of Composite Particles by K. Furusawa, H. Matsumura
04:20 74.
of Thin Films of Charged Co-Polymer Gels
by L. P. Yezek, H. P. van Leeuwen
04:40 75.
Characteristics and Structural Transitions of Alternating Maleic Acid Copolymer
Films by
T. Osaki, C. Werner
05:00 76.
NMR of protein, polyelectrolytes and complexes by U. Böhme, B.
Fritzinger, U. Scheler
05:20 77.
of electron conducting surfaces and ion permeable surface layers Theory and
experiments by J. Duval, J. Lyklema, H. P. van Leeuwen
05:40 78.
and Surface Thermodynamic Properties of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers by V. Ribitsch,
S. Köstler, A. V. Delgado, K. Stana-Kleinschek
Thursday Morning, June 17
09:00 79.
Method of
using "unbalanced AC field" for generating non-linear electroosmotic
liquid drift in microfluidic devices.
by A. Dukhin, S. Dukhin
09:20 80.
Theory and
Microfluidic Applications of Induced-Charge Electro-osmosis by M. Z. Bazant,
J. Levitan, T. M. Squires
09:40 81.
control of electro-osmotic flow in microfluidic networks by E. J. van der
Wouden, T. Heuser, D. C. Hermes, J. G. E. Gardeniers, A. van den Berg
10:00 82.
dispersion in microchannels with a thin double layer by E. K.
Zholkovskij, J. H. Masliyah
10:20 coffee
10:40 83.
Transport, Breakup and Coalescence of Gas Bubbles in a Microchannel by C. Yang, Y.
C. Lam, T. T. Naing, H. M. Lee
11:00 84.
imaging of colloidal suspension in PDMS-based microfluidic chip by fluorescence
microscopy by M.-S. Chun, S. Lee
11:20 85.
Plenary Talk: Electrokinetic Microfluidic Systems:
Sample Stacking and Instabilities
by J. G. Santiago
12:30 lunch
Thursday Afternoon, June 17
02:00 86.
Induced-charge Electro-osmosis in Microfluidic Devices
by J. Levitan, M. Z. Bazant, T. Thorsen,
T. Squires
02:20 87.
state electrophoresis and thermophoresis of weakly interacting macroions by M. Mayorga,
O. Hernández-Flores, L. Romero-Salazar, J. M. Rubí
Electrokinetics of Complex Surfaces
02:40 88.
Electrokinetic Theory for Soft Surfaces at Any Degree of Dissociation. by S. S. Dukhin, R.
Zimmermann, C. Werner
03:00 89.
of nanoscale charge nonuniformity on polystyrene particles by D. Velegol,
J. D. Feick
03:20 coffee
03:40 90.
Ion Size
Correlations and Overcharging in Real Colloids by M. Quesada-Pérez,
E. González-Tovar, A. Martín-Molina, M. Lozada-Cassou, R. Hidalgo-Álvarez
04:00 91.
Variation of Water Autodissociation to Analyze Unsymmetrical Ion Adsorption by T. Osaki, R.
Zimmermann, R. Schweiss, H. J. Kreuzer, M. Grunze, C. Werner
04:20 92.
of the polyelectrolyte and base addition sequence on the suspension properties
and electrophoretic deposition behaviour of ceramic powders by A. M. Popa,
J. Vleugels, J. Vermant, O. van der Biest
04:40 93. Flow
of electrolyte solutions in thin capillaries: Osterle's method by V. M. Starov