The Flow Form project is
an abstract study of the fundamental elements of form that contribute
to beauty and elegance in an object. While you will be using a specific
product reference to develop your concepts, the goal of the project
is not a practical/realistic solution…rather it must remain
an abstraction.
Driving your form explorations is the notion that this object
is created by the forces of water or wind and must reflect these
qualities. As such… your form does not need to be symmetrical,
but it should have some axial orientation.
It does not need to (and in fact should not) demonstrate any specific
function beyond the simple criteria stated below. Execute the
final form by cutting the 2.75”x 3. 5”x 8” block
of basswood on the band saw.
The Vessel project will focus on generating forms
that incorporate surfaces of revolution, intersecting and overlaying
planes, and
pierced negative spaces. Students designed vessels that were produced by having a flat
plane intersect a volume that is generated by revolving a profile.
A requirement was to have an opening that pierces it’s
volume. The outline, or profile of the flat plane should have
an aesthetic
relationship to the revolved form and the opening. All three
of these basic formal elements (flat plane, revolved volume
and opening) should work in harmony to produce an elegant,
pleasing vessel. In addition, explore, develop, and
incorporate applied surface details that further express
direction and contributes to the overall language and aesthetic
quality of your concept.