House Association (Internally Funded Activity)
Assistant Professors Eric Anderson and Kristin Hughes, School of Design, developed
an educational support model titled BEAM (Building Environments for
Active Minds), using Hill House Association (Pittsburgh) as an community representative.
The pilot project for this model was BEAM: A youth inspired library. The
goal was to transform an old office space into a Scholastics youth library and
include community youth as team members. Design thinking and methodologies were
used as a catalyst. Hill House provided funding for the design and installation
of the project.
Spring 2002 - $12,000
Berkman Faculty
Development Grant (Carnegie Mellon University)
A grant awarded to Assistant Professors Eric Anderson and Kristin Hughes towards
creating an educational support model that would introduce design thinking
and methodologies as developmental and sustainable learning tools. This research
activity resulted in the development of BEAM: Building Environments for
Active Minds.
Spring 2002 - $6,000.00
Compaq Computer
Supported project for the Products in Systems IV - ID course (51-312). The
goals were to research and develop product concepts for the next stage in personal
computing for the Generation Y consumer (defined as youth ages
13 20).
Spring Semester 2000 - $3,000
Institute for Complex
Engineering Systems (ICES)
Interaction Design Studio, Carnegie Mellon University
A sponsored project for the Products in Systems IV - ID course (51-312). The
goal was to explore and develop concepts that considered incorporating future
technologies into fashion, changing the current paradigm of what electronic
devices can be. The project, titled Streetware has received national
and international exposure, for innovative concepts, through publications and
technology fashion shows. Such exposure includes:
Internet World 1999 Fashion Show NY, USA (October 12, 1999)
Images and article appeared in Innovation (IDSA magazine) Spring 2000
related to
Article and images in FORM (European design magazine) in March 2000
Images appeared in October 14, 1999 New York Times,
Spring Semester 1999 - $6,000