product design experiences have provided me insights into
consumer research methodologies, product development practices,
and a better understanding of marketing objectives, engineering
and manufacturing requirements, and consumer
needs and desires. I have designed
and developed consumer products in both corporate and consultant
environments. My significant experiences were achieved
while with Goody Products,
Inc. Goody specialized
in hair styling products and accessories (brushes,
combs, mirrors, adult and children hair barretts, etc.), but
also had a separate division, Pretty Neat, which focused on storage
and travel organizers. My direct contributions invovled updating
several product
lines and developing new product
opportunities. Shown here through product photos are examples of products
that are on the market. Additionally through drawings are conceptual
proposals that were developed but
were not manufactured.

A. Travel
Accessory Line - Pretty Neat's "bread and butter" products
were its travel accessory line (soap dish, tooth brush holder, razor
This line was the first major update and offered a line extension
that included a pill case, general organizer, lotion bottle
and sprayer. It also offered a departure from Pretty Neat's simplistic
aesthetic and introduced a new form language that would help
position this line to a more distinguished consumer.
Sport Travel Line - A new line of travel
organizers for Pretty Neat for the spa consumers
Hair Lift - An update to Goody's classic
hair-lift/pick |
Ace Styling Line - The first line of styling
tools created around the ACE identity, a brand initially
created to target men
Ace Travel Line - New line of travel items (soap
dish, razor case and toothbrush holder - not shown) designed
to compliment the styling line
F. Styling
Brushes - a redesign |
Medicine Cabinet Organizers - Concept proposals for
considering opportunities to organize new areas in the home |
Mirror line - An update to Goody's traditional hand-held
styling mirror line |
I. Soft
Case Organizers - An exploration and testing of new
market concepts for a "Sport" cosmetic soft cases line for Pretty
Neat |
Desk Accessories - A full line of office desk
accessories were generated for Esselte' Pendaflex when I was affiliated
with Mann-Horton Design Consultants. Several were produced including
a files storage
and hangle unit. The renderings
shown represent the new look generated |
Child Safety Cap - As a freelancer for Acme
Animation, Ltd. one of the projects that I worked on was to
generate new options for child safety caps. The new designs
considered ease of use for the elderly while creating new challenges
for kids |
Gecko Refrigerator Magnet (Pro-E model) developed
as a freelance for Daedalus Design |