Eric Anderson
Eco Navigator Personal Cube Vessel Project Personal Device

Technology Oversight Committee (TOC)
Faculty Representative for the School of Design: Responsible for coordinating with university & College of Arts representatives on technology issues and use.
September 1997 to Present

Undergraduate Admissions Committee - School of Design
Planning, scheduling and coordinating with admissions to review and select first year students. Responsibilities include: traveling to various National Portfolio Day programs to represent the school; coordination and participation in CMU portfolio days; selection of first year design students
September 1998 to present, Chair since September 1999

Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) - Faculty Advisor
Advise and support Carnegie Mellon’s Student Chapter of IDSA with current information and opportunities offered through the national organization. In addition, I encourage and coordinator the Student Merit Awards, which is a competition sponsored by IDSA for each recognized undergraduate program. ID seniors present their portfolios to a public audience that includes members from the local IDSA professional chapter as jurors. A winner is selected who then represents the School of Design at the IDSA Mid-East District Conference.
September 1997 to Present