Click here for input/output files for Example 1
This example illustrates the band bending for an undoped semiconducting film on top of an n-type semiconducting substrate, with no interface states between them. Output to FORT.11 gives the electrostatic potential energy (column 2) along the central axis vs. the z-distance through the vacuum, film, and semiconductor (column 1). Output to FORT.12 gives the electrostatic potential energy on the surface (column 2) vs. the radial distance along the surface (column 1). When plotted, these potentials appear as:
The Fermi level for the film+substrate system is taken to be that within the substrate (region 2 in the FORT.9 file). In this example, with the substrate being n-type doped, the Fermi level is thus near the top of the band gap. With applied sample voltage of -1 V, downwards band bending occurs.