Click here for input/output files and main program source code for Example 1
This example illustrates the conductance vs. voltage for a pn junction in GaAs, as viewed in cross-section with the junction directly below the probe tip. Region 1 is defined as the n-type region, extending over x<=0, and region 2 is the p-type region extending over x>0. The spatial extent of the regions are defined in the routine IGETREG, located in the same file as the MultInt3.f main program:
INTEGER FUNCTION IGETREG(X,Y,S) COMMON/TIPPOS/X0,Y0 C IGETREG=1 IF ((X+X0).GT.0.) IGETREG=2 RETURN ENDwith the parameters defining the regions given in the FORT.9 input file. This problem has a mirror plane lying along the x-axis, so line 48 in the FORT.9 file is set to 1 thus including that mirror plane in the computation (hence permitting fewer angular grid points thereby reducing the computation time). Band bending for this geometry is shown in example 1 of Mult3.f.
The conductance vs. voltage, from FORT.15, appears as: