Click here for source and input/output files for Example 3
This example uses the same parameters for a probe tip located near an InAs quantum dot in GaAs as in example 2, but now illustrating plotting of wavefunctions. We consider a sample voltage of 1.02 V, corresponding to the voltage near the center of the conductance peak from the lowest lying electron confined state. As output parameter value of 5 is used on line 42 of the FORT.9 input file, producing a variety of files with information on band edge potentials and wavefunction values for lowest lying conduction band states and highest lying valence band states. The plot below shows the electrostatic potential in from FORT.11 and FORT.12 in green, together with the lowest lying two electron states from FORT.32, 34, 42, and 44 (for odd and even parity states in red and blue, respectively).