Click here for source and input/output files for Example 4
This example uses the same parameters for a probe tip located near an InAs quantum dot in GaAs as in example 2 and example 3, but now illustrates using an output parameter value of 7 and an IPOT value of 0 in the QDplanecurr3.f routine, to plot the outline of the quantum dot. A series of images are output, img1.PGM, img2.PGM, ..., img9.PGM, consisting of the outline of the dot (actually the conduction band edge of the dot) in the surface plane, one z increment below that, etc. For this situation of 6 k-values in each of the x, y, and z directions, the net number of grid points in the x, y, and z directions is 24, 12, and 12, respectively (for the y and z directions those 12 points are only half of the supercell, but the cell is periodic around its midplane in those directions so only the 12 points in the half-cell need be considered). By default in the QDplanecurr3.f routine these maps are expanded by a factor of 3, yielding 72 x 36 pixels in the x and y directions, respectively. Those image are output into the imgx.PGM files, by default, onto a standard image size of 512x512 pixels. Thus, cutting the 72x36 sections of those yields the outline of the dot in each of the surface planes. The images appear as: