in 011222.145 ;first set of conductance data hyst 50 av/b 4 2 su ;sum into a FIRST buffer 1 su 2 in 011222.147 hyst 50 av/b 4 2 su 2 in 011222.150 hyst 50 av/b 4 2 su 2 in 011222.152 hyst 50 av/b 4 2 su 2 su ;compute the average of FIRST buffer 3 ze ;subtract zero level -0.05,.4 2 norm ;get correct absolute magnitude 0,7.e-3 z1 ;normalize to constant z 0.6666 s2 ;sum into a SECOND buffer 1 s2 2 in ;second set of conductance data 011222.156 hyst 10 av/b 4 2 su ;sum into the FIRST buffer 1 su 2 in 011222.158 hyst 10 av/b 4 2 su 2 in 011222.164 hyst 10 av/b 4 2 su 2 su ;compute the average of FIRST buffer 3 ze ;substract zero level -0.05,.4 2 norm ;get correct absolute magnitude 0,7.e-3 z1 ;normalize to constant z 0.6666 s2 ;sum into SECOND buffer 2 s2 ;get average of SECOND buffer 3 ou/vd 61_200bc.con1 61_200bc.con2 pl quNew commands in the above, and others, are described below:
Sum2 arguments: action (integer)For computing the average of several data arrays, in a separate data buffer than that used in the SUm command. For action=1 will initialize the auxiliary array into which the subsequent values are summed (NOTE: this action=1 command must be issued after the first array is INput, since only then does the program know how large to make the auxiliary array). For action=2 will sum into the auxiliary array the contents of the data array, and for action=3 will compute the average of all the summed arrays (i.e. divide by the number of summed arrays) and that result is put back into the main data array.
Znormalize1 argument: kappa (real)Normalizes data acquired with a V-shaped type of z(V) curve, by multiplying the data by exp(-2*kappa*z(V)) where z(V) is known from the header of the spectroscopic data file.
DidV argument: action (integer)This is a general purpose spectroscopic analysis command, whose performance depends on the value of action:
input current vs voltage data into a temporary data array.
input conductance vs voltage data into a temporary data array.
input delta-z vs voltage data into a temporary data array (it may
be necessary to generate this curve, which can be done with the
ZGen command).
compute the logarithmic derivative, (dI/dV)/I. From this quantity
one can derive values of kappa as a function of voltage.
derive values of kappa as a function of voltage. Before this command
is executed one must have used the DidV command with all of
the action values of 1, 2, 3, and 4. The kappa values thus
generated can be plotted, or listed, to obtain an average value. (For
plotting it may be necessary to limit, i.e. clip, the observed values,
which can be done with the MOD/z command).
other specialized action values of 6-12 are available, but their functions are not listed here.
ZGenerate arguments: noneGenerates a z(V) curve, based on the header of the spectroscopic data file.