Yale University, Ph.D. with distinction, economics, 1985.
Dissertation: "Expectations and Intertemporal Choice."
Brandeis University, B.A., 1977: Magna cum laude in Economics. Third year at
Glasgow University, Scotland
Yale University, Ph.D. with distinction, economics, 1985.
Dissertation: "Expectations and Intertemporal Choice."
Brandeis University, B.A., 1977: Magna cum laude in Economics. Third year at
Glasgow University, Scotland
October, 2006 – Present Herbert A. Simon Chair of Economics and Psychology
June 1992 - Present Professor of Economics and Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University.
September 1997-August, 1998 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.
October 1994 - July 1995 Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study)
September 1990 - May 1992 Associate Professor of Economics, Carnegie Mellon University.
September 1985 - August 1990 Assistant, then Associate Professor of Behavioral Science, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.
September 1988 - August 1989 Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation.
September 1984 - September 1985 Assistant, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
Winner, Hillel Einhorn New Investigator award, Judgment/Decision Making Society, 1988.
Winner, Best Paper Award (with Linda Babcock and Xianghong Wang), Eighth annual meeting of the International Association for Conflict Management, Denmark, 1995.
2007 Hewlett Foundation (to study the use of incentives in combating obesity) (with Kevin Volpp and Leslie John).
2007 Aetna Foundation (to study the use of economic incentives in increasing warfarin adherence). (With Kevin Volpp and Stephen Kimmel)
2006-2007 United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. To organize a conference on behavioral economics of obesity and on possible interventions to promote weight loss.
2006 State of Pennsylvania Tobacco Settlement Funds. To study the determinants and causes of the feeling of mental effort.
2000-2002 Russell Sage Foundation grant: course relief to write a book on visceral influences on economic behavior. 2000-2002.
2001-2003 American Accounting Association: Auditor Independence and the Intrusion of Unconscious Bias. (With Don Moore, GSIA:CMU and Max Bazerman, HBS)
2001-2005 National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant to study the role of craving in cigarette dependence. (With Michael Sayette, Pitt Psychology)
2001 Russell Sage Foundation grant: For conference on intertemporal choice (leading to publication of new book on the topic)
1997 Russell Sage Foundation grant: For conference on neurobehavioral economics.
1994-98 National Science Foundation. Collaborative project with Drazen Prelec at MIT: Intraindividual variability in time discounting: The overweighting of immediate, and underweighting of delayed, transient factors
1998-2001 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation grant. For research on intraindividual variability in time discounting
1997 Russell Sage Foundation grant to study happiness in retirement
1986-1987 Russell Sage Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant: For research on intertemporal choice.
1988-1990 Russell Sage Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant: Behavioral economics program.
1987-1990 Russell Sage Foundation grant: For interdisciplinary conference on intertemporal choice.
1987 Dispute Resolution Center, Northwestern University: research grant.
1987-1988 University of Chicago, IBM Corporation Scholar.
1987 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation grant. For research on the role of worry in decision making under uncertainty.
Member, Carnegie Mellon Center for Integrated Study of Human Dimensions of Global Climate Change. Funded by NSF. Two months of summer support for 5+ years.
Professional Activities
Organized a conference on the Behavioral Health Economics: Applications to Dietary choice and Obesity. Sponsored by USDA Economic Research Service. Washington, DC, June 21-22.
Codirected (with Roy Baumeister) a 5 week summer institute on emotion and decision making at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.
Editorial Board (past and present) Behavior and Philosophy, Journal of Behavioral Decision Theory, Management Science, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Journal of Psychology and Financial Markets, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
Member, Committee on a Research Agenda for the Social Psychology of Aging. National Academy of Science.
Co-organized, with Don Moore, Daylian Caine and Max Bazerman, conference on Conflict of Interest at Carnegie Mellon. September, 2003. Funded by NSF and Carnegie Bosch Institute.
Member, Behavioral Economics Roundtable, Russell Sage Foundation
Fellow, American Psychological Society
Organized annual meeting of intertemporal choice working group under auspices of Russell Sage Foundation, 1985-1990.
With Daniel Kahneman, organized meeting of working group on the role of worry in decision making under the auspices of John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
With Colin Camerer, organized 3-day "Conference on neurobehavioral economics"
Coorganized 2 week Summer Institute on Behavioral Economics for economics graduate students under the auspices of the Russell Sage Foundation; with Colin Camerer and Matthew Rabin, Stanford University, July, 1998; Berkeley, July, 2000; Berkeley, August, 2002 (with Matthew Rabin and David Laibson).
With Antonio Rangell and David Laibson, coorganized segment on behavioral economics of Stanford Institute on Theoretical Economics (SITE). August, 2002.
Program Committee, Judgment/Decision Making Society, 1990-1992
Chair, Program Committee, Judgment/Decision Making Society, 1991.
Governing board, Judgment/Decision Making Society, 1996-2000.
President, Judgment/Decision Making Society 2001-2002.
Executive board, Society for Neuroeconomics, 2005-2006.
Advisory board, Institute for Law and Rationality, University of Minnesota Law School
Codirector (with Don Moore and Linda Babcock), Center for Behavioral Decision Research, Carnegie Mellon University.
Journal Reviewing (incomplete list)
American Economic Review, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, Economic Journal, Consciousness and Cognition, Feminist Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Journal of Business, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Management Science, Marketing Science, Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Psychological Review, Psychological Science, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Marketing Research, Experimental Economics Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Social Cognition, American Political Science Review, Southern Economic Journal, Kyklos, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Experimental Economics, Political Psychology, Psychology and Health. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Economics Letters, Journal of Economic Literature, Economica, World Development.
Fidelity Investments
NIH: Consultant to grant examining discrepancies between patients' and nonpatients' evaluations of quality of life associated with medical conditions. Peter Ubel PI.
RAND: Prepared report on recruitment and retention of military personnel.
John Caputo, Esq.: Expert witness on risk-related issue.
Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Social Research Council of Great Britain; Economic Beliefs and Behavior and Behavior Grant Cycle: Invited commentator, London, September 1995.
Consultant to Research Project "The valuation of benefits of health and safety control." from HSE of Great Britain to M. Jones-Lee, G. Loomes, J. Beattie & N. Pidgeon.
Member, Behavioral Finance Forum
PNC Bank
Pittsburgh Blood Bank
Aetna Insurance
Invited talks, 1995-present
Humboldt University, Berlin. January 1995.
University of Zurich. February 1995.
University of Utrecht. March 1995.
University of Groningen. March 1995.
University of London. May 1995.
York University. May 1995.
Strathclyde University, psychology department. May 1995.
Strathclyde University, economics department. May 1995.
Sussex University. May 1995.
Plenary Address, International Society for the Advancement of Research in Economic Psychology, Bergen, 1995
West Virginia University, Departments of Economics & Psychology. February, 1995
Conference on Business Ethics, Northwestern University, Dec. 1995
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School. May, 1996
Ohio State University, Department of Psychology. May, 1996
Harvard School of Public Health. May, 1996
Invited address, College on Problems of Drug Dependence, June, 1996, Puerto Rico (funded by National Institute of Drug Abuse)
Harvard Economics Department November, 1996
Duke University Marketing Department, 1996
Visiting Scholar, University of Western Ontario, March 1997
Psychology department, University of Stockholm, April 1997
Opponent, dissertation at University of Stockholm, April 1997
Economics department, University of Stockholm, April 1997
University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business, May 1997
University of Miami Business School, May 1997
Speaker, " European Economic Theory Summer Camp, Gerzenzee, Switzerland, July, 1997
NSF symposium on eliciting preferences. Berkeley, August, 1997.
Association of Consumer Research preconference meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, October, 1997
Stanford University Law School (with Sam Issacharoff), October, 1997
University of California, Berkeley Marketing, November, 1997
New Directions in Decision Making conference, Northwestern University, December 1997.
Stanford University Business School. Behavioral Sciences Seminar, February, 1998
Concordia University, Psychology colloquium, March, 1998
Concordia University, Center for behavioral neurobiology. March, 1998
University of California, Berkeley, economics department colloquium, April 1, 1998
Decision making and negotiation/conflict resolution seminar. Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation. April, 1998
Cognition and Emotion: Applications to Drug Abuse. Conferences sponsored by National Institute on Drug Abuse and American Psychological Society. Washington DC. May, 1998
Invited talk, Social Psychology group, Stanford University.
Keynote speaker. Oxford conference on decision-making in theory and practice. Oxford, England. July, 1998
Invited presentation. National Humanities Center. Workshop on "addiction and responsibility." September, 1998.
University of Pittsburgh economics department. October, 1998
Harvard University psychology department. November, 1998
Harvard Business School. November, 1998.
Yale University, School of Management. December, 1998.
National Academy of Social Insurance, 11th Annual conference. Plenary address. January, 1999.
Discussant, National Bureau of Economic Research meeting on youth risk-taking, April, 1999.
Invited talk, University of Texas at Austin, Marketing Department. April, 1999
Invited talk, University of Michigan, Anne Arbor. Psychology Department. May, 1999
Invited talk, Psychology & Economics conference. Universite des Sciences Sociale de Toulouse, June 1999
Invited talk. Psychology & Economics conference. Jerome Levy Institute at Bard College. July, 1999.
Invited talk. Marketing Department, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, October, 1999.
Invited talk. Economics Department, Johns Hopkins University, November, 1999.
Invited talk. Rationality Seminar, University of Chicago. November, 1999.
Colloquium, Psychology Department, Princeton University. December, 1999.
Colloquium, Psychology Department, University of Waterloo. January, 2000.
Colloquium and Brown-bag, Psychology Department, University of Oregon, Eugene. May, 2000
Colloquium, Psychology Department, Northwestern University. May, 2000
Testified at Securities and Exchange Commission; hearings on auditor independence. September, 2000.
Opening talk at conference on Neuro-economics, Princeton University, December, 2000
Invited talk, conference on “Decision-Making and Cognitive Control Functions: An Exploration of the Cognitive Neuropsychology / Economics Interface.” University of Arizona, February 2001
Colloquium, Department of Economics, New York University, February 2001
Colloquium, Interdisciplinary Seminar, Columbia University, February 2001
Invited talk, Conference on Behavioral Economics, Organizations and Law, University of Southern California Law School, June, 2001
Round-table participant and invited address, Colloque international sorts extremes – sortifs de l'extrême: À la quête des limites. University of Geneva, Switzerland. June, 2001
Invited talk, Marketing Department, INSEAD, June, 2001
Invited speaker, conference on money, happiness and impatience, Europäische in Steyr Wissenschaftstage (European Science Days in Steyr, Austria). July, 2001
Invited speaker, Stanford Institute of Theoretical Economics, August, 2001
Invited speaker, Cowles Foundation, Economics Department, Yale University, September, 2001
Colloquium, University of Iowa (business school and neurology departments), October, 2001
Invited talk, Meeting on Expectations and Preferences, University of Michigan, November, 2001
Invited talk, Harvard Program on Negotiations, November, 2001
Invited talk, Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences, Harvard University, November, 2001
Invited talk, Nobel symposium on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Stockholm, December, 2001
Invited talk, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, January, 2002
Invited talk, Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics, University of Pennsylvania. February, 2002
Invited participant, FBI conference on terrorism. Quantico, February, 2002
Invited talk, marketing and organizational behavior groups, Stanford University Graduate School of Business, March, 2002
Invited talk, Pennsylvania State University, School of Business, April, 2002
Invited talk, Conference on Happiness, Center for Economic Performance, London School of Economics. September, 2002
Colloquium, Department of Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, September, 2002
Auditing Department Seminar, Harvard Business School, October 2002
Behavioral Economics Seminar, Harvard University, October, 2002
Faculty seminar, Columbia University Law School, October 2002
Behavioral Decision Research Seminar Columbia University, October 2002
Seminar, Department of Economics and Finance, GSB, Columbia University, November 2002
Seminar, Center for Experimental Social Science, New York University, November, 2002
Invited Participant, Meeting on Affect, Learning and Decision Making, sponsored by the James S. McDonnell Foundation. New York, December 2002.
Colloquium, Georgetown University Law School. March, 2003
Visiting Scholar, University of Alberta Business School, Edmunton. April, 2003
Invited participant, Workshop on Discounting for Health in Developing Countries, Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C., May, 2003
Invited Participant, Meeting on Affect, Learning and Decision Making, sponsored by the James S. McDonnell Foundation. New York, June 2003.
Dinner talk, Boston Federal Reserve Bank meeting on "How Humans Behave: The Implications for Economics and Economic Policy." June, 2003.
Invited talk, "Where Economics?" University of Oslo, Norway. June, 2003.
Invited talks, Psychology Department, University of Gothenberg, Sweden. June, 2003.
Instructor, Intensive course in Behavioral Economics; CEEL program in Adaptive Economic Dynamics; Fourth Trento Summer School; June/July, 2003.
Instructor, Budapest Workshop on Behavioral Economics, Central European University; Budapest, Hungary; July, 2003.
Invited Participant, "Neuroeconomics" meeting, Martha's Vineyard, September, 2003.
Invited Participant, "Other Minds" conference, University of Oregon, Eugene. September, 2003
Invited talk, symposium on affect and decision making, Society for Medical Decision Making. Annual meeting, Chicago, October 2003
Seminar, Economics Department, University of California, Berkeley, October, 2003
Seminar, Business school, University of California, Berkeley, October, 2003
Colloquium, Psychology and Behavioral Science Series, Institute for Applied Psychology (ISPA – Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada), Lisbon, Portugal, November, 2003
Colloquium, University of Pittsburgh Psychology Department, November, 2003
Colloquium, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, January 2004
Invited presentation; National Cancer Institute. Meeting on Cancer Control, February 2004
Colloquium, University of Toronto; Rotman School of Management, February 2004
Visiting scholar, University of Goteborg, Sweden, March 21-28, 2004
Invited talk; Behavioral Organizational Economics meeting, NBER, Cambridge, April 15, 2004
Invited talk, Behavioral Public Finance meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 23-24, 2004
Invited talk, University of British Columbia economics department, September 27, 2004
University of Pittsburgh Health Services Research Seminar, September 28, 2004
University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business, Behavioral Sciences seminar. October 11, 2004
Invited talk, University of Chicago Medical School, October 11, 2004
University of Chicago, Center for Health and the Social Sciences, October 12, 2004
Keynote address, Chicago Kent Law Review Symposium: “Must We Choose Between Rationality and Irrationality?” November 6, 2004
Invited talk, Yale University, Conference on Behavioral Science, November 13, 2004
Colloquium, Stanford Law School, Legal Studies Workshop, November 18, 2004
Colloquium, MIT Department of Economics, March 2005
Invited talk, McGill University, School of Business, April, 2005
Invited talk, Psychology Department and Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, April 2005.
Invited talk; NYU Stern Marketing Department Research Camp, May 2005.
Invited participant; meeting on happiness, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, May 2005.
Invited participant, MiRe Workshop on Utility and Inequality: Experimental and Empirical Approaches, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, June 2005.
Invited participant, Homo Economicus, Homo Myopicus, and the Law and Economics of Consumer Choice, University of Chicago Law School, June 2005
Invited participant, Gatsby Workshop on Motivation and Action Selection. London, June 2005
Lecturer, Toulouse Summer Institute on Economics and Psychology, IDEI Toulouse, June 2005
Keynote and dinner address, Annual Canadian Law and Economics Association, September, 2005
Invited talk, NYU Neuroscience and Economics Seminar, February, 2006
Invited talk, Harvard Business School, Marketing Department, March, 2006
Colloquium on neuroeconomics, College de France, March, 2006
Invited talk, UCLA Decision Consortium, May, 2006
Invited participant. Conference in Honor of Eytan Sheshinski, Jerusalem, June, 2006
Invited talks, Behavioral Economics Summer Institute, Trento, Italy, June, 2006
Invited talk, Financial Services Research Forum, London, June, 2006
Invited talks, Summer Institute on Neuroeconomics, Stanford University, July, 2006
Invited participant, Conference on Economic Methods, NYU Economics Department, July, 2006
Invited talk, Conference on Preference Change, Free University, Berlin, September, 2006
Bjørn Christiansen Memorial Lecture in Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway, September, 2006
Invited talk, Conference on Happiness and Public Economics, London School of Economics, September, 2006
Invited participant. Conference on "Setting a Research and Action Agenda to Increase Healthy Behaviors and Adherence," Leonard Davis Institute, Penn, November, 2006
Invited participant, Spencer Foundation Conference on incentives in education, Harvard School of Education, November, 2006.
Fidelity Investments, January, 2007
Invited participant, Behavioral Finance Forum, March, 2007
University of Maryland, Department of Economics, April, 2007
Visiting Scholar, John Dewey Honors Program, University of Vermont, April, 2007
Carol G. Simon Speaker Series, University of Vermont, April, 2007
Invited talk, Tinbergen Institute, Rotterdam, May, 2007
Tinbergen Institute Lectures (6, over 3 days) Tinbergen Institute, Rotterdam, May, 2007
Invited talk, IZA workshop on behavioral and organizational economics, University of Bonn, May, 2007
Invited talk, Symposium on the Scientific Basis of Influence and Reciprocity, Association of American Medical Colleges. Washington, June, 2007
Invited talk, Workshop on the Legal Implications of the New Research on Happiness, University of Chicago Law School, June, 2007
Keynote Address, Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), Pittsburgh, June, 2007
Daniel Kahneman Lecture, Annual Meeting of International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September, 2007
Vanderbilt Law School, Law and Economics faculty seminar (and guest lecture in course on law and economics), October, 2007