Brent Glover
Brent Glover
Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University
Working papers
Corporate Tax Avoidance, Firm Size, and Capital Misallocation
with Oliver Levine
A Re-examination of Firm Size and Taxes
with Fabio Gaertner and Oliver Levine
with Tetiana Davydiuk and Rachel Szymanski
Contagion in the European Sovereign Debt Crisis
with Seth Richards-Shubik
Media: VoxEU column
Corporate Taxes, Leverage, and Business Cycles
with João Gomes and Amir Yaron
Foreign Investment of US Multinationals: The Effect of Tax Policy and Agency Conflicts
with Jim Albertus and Oliver Levine
Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Asymmetric Taxes, Risk Taking, and Innovation
with Jim Albertus and Oliver Levine
Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 105, August 2019
Are Corporate Inversions Good for Shareholders?
with Anton Babkin and Oliver Levine
Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 126 (2), November 2017
• Jensen Prize for Best Paper in Corporate Finance and Organization in the JFE, (Second Prize)
Media: New York Times Op Ed; Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog; Regulation Magazine; Cato at Liberty
Idiosyncratic Risk and the Manager
with Oliver Levine
Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 126 (2), November 2017
Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 119 (2), February 2016
• CRA Award for Best Corporate Finance Paper at the WFA
Uncertainty, Investment, and Managerial Incentives
with Oliver Levine
Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 69, January 2015
with Yaron Raviv
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 81 (1), January 2012