Here's the group (from left to right, front to back):
Kelvin, Li, Yanikie, Sue, ZiEn, Lim, Nuveen, Andrew, Sabrina, Alexis
Too cool Andrew, in his black shades and driving a stylish dodge caravan.
The church we stayed at- First Baptist Church of Washington, DC. This was Jimmy Carter's church during his presidency.
Freaky. This is a picture taken as we gathered on a street corner our first night in DC to watch a fire engine extend its ladder up to a high apartment. Never did find out what happened.
You can't tell from this picture that Zi En devoured that escargot shortly afterwards with help from Alexis.
Andrew and Nuveen protesting in front of the White House. (sign says "No to the War"
Nuveen converses with these protesters on the street behind the White House.
Yanikie takes a photo in LaFayette Square.
We're spied on by a guard on the roof of the White House.
The crew in front of the White House.
Hmm.. not much being reflected right now.
Whose that woman in the dark shades? Whose that strangely familiar man in the top hat below?
Close up of Alexis. She seems confused.
Austere words at the Lincoln Memorial.
Sabrina pretends to be an ostrich.
Sabrina poses across the tidal basin from the Jefferson memorial.
Yanikie on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
Ghostly images of soldier faces appear above our reflection in the Korean memorial.
An apropos statement from the Korean memorial.
The group explorers the botanical gardens.
Our group poses by some interesting palm trees.
Wait.. those aren't trees!
Alexis admires the greenery at the Botanical Gardens.
Alexis tames the lion!
Alexis the Lionrider, situated between the US Capitol building and some guy on a horse.
A typical breakfast during the week.
Breakfast at the church.
A typical ride back from the worksite.
The duplex we worked on during the week. This is among the first of 53 houses to be built on 4.3 acres in this community in DC.
Zi En at lunch early in the week.
A typical lunch at the site- you shouldn't leave Nuveen alone with peanut butter.
Woo! Go shingling!
Nuveen and Andrew peer down from the scaffolding as the put up siding on the front of the house.
Nuveen and Andrew transformed a spraypainted face to a peace sign on this rock pile at the worksite.
Ethiopian food at Zed's on Monday night- a first for all of us.
Table 1 from Tuesday's dinner at Great City Lights of China on Connecticut Ave.
The second table of students and Alumni at Tuesday's dinner.
The crew with alumns Doug and Tom on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial. (can you see Thomas in the background?)
Some of the crew and doug, a cmu alumn, chatting it up at the Jefferson memorial.
Sabrina and Tom at the steps of the Jefferson Memorial. Aww.
Yanikie sits peacefully, gazing at the waters and the Washington Monument from the Jefferson Memorial.
Posing with Roosevelt & his dog at the FDR memorial.
Closeup of Alexis at the FDR memorial. The glow in the background is a running waterfall.
Andrew straightens the collar of a man waiting in the unemployment line at the FDR memorial.
How appropriate.
Yanikie and a cmu alumna at Wednesday's dinner.
Lim and an alumnus at Wendesday's dinner.
Alumni and our Habitat group at dinner Wednesday evening at Bucca di Beppo on Connecticut Ave.
How can you make 4 squares from 4 chopsticks? For that matter, show how to make n squares from n chopsticks.
"Do _you_ know how to make 4 squares out of 4 chopsticks?"
"Hmm.. 4 chopsticks... 4 squares..."
Andrew thinking.. hmmm. 4 chopsticks...
The cherry blossoms finally peek out around DC.
Zi En and his sawzaw with Dan, an Americorp volunteer.
Rise and Shine time!
Zi En shows off his cutters as he and Lim install siding.
Li looking calm and collected at the dinner on thursday with Alexis in the foreground.
Lim with an alumnus on Thursday's dinner.
Nuveen and Sue at Alero Thursday evening.
Yanikie, Alumn and Andrew at the dinner Thursday evening.
Zi En and Alice, a cmu alumna.
The alumni and students after dinner at Alero on Thursday evening.
The tradition continues! We enjoy three different flavors of hewitt balls Thursday evening.
Alexis sweeping water out of the house. We swear it was waist high when we started!
Lim just before she gets the answer to the infamous chopstick problem. Look at Zi En laughing.
Lim finally got it!
Sabrina attacks the flooded blue house too. Waist high! Truly!
Can you doubt she's having fun? Look at that smile!! ^__^
Alexis and Doug pick up old OSB, etc and take it to the dupster.
Alexis and Doug get all the fun jobs. :)
Zi En and Lim prepping siding for installation.
Nuveen looks ready to draw from his toolbelt.
Alexis hammering away.
Kelvin in full volunteer gear.
Li, looking very determined in his hammering.
Look out Zi En. The monkey is coming!
Panoram of everyone at lunch on friday... wait.. sabrina looks an awful lot like alexis in this picture, eh?
As warned, it's a bad idea to leave Nuveen alone with peanut butter.
Li gives a lovely smile for the picture.
"Huh?" Alexis seems perplexed as to what the photographer is up to.
Andrew and Nuveen enjoying being inside dowing drywall for a change. Too bad we had to take that piece down later anyway.
Nuveen and Andrew demonstrated precision cutting of drywall.
Kelvin pauses by a window in the house.
Lim hammering away at the drywall.
Yanikie prepares to install some drywall.
Sue and Kelvin work tag-team, hanging drywall.
Sue puts up some glue for drywalling.
Too fast for the naked eye or the digital camera- Nuveen performs a difficult martial arts move, splitting four pieces of stacked drywall with a lightning hit from his hand.
Group shot from the final day. Some of our fearless leaders are below the scaffolding to the left.
After camera after camera everyone breaks from our big group picture on Friday.
Andrew, crashed on the couch. aww.
Everyone picks their poison for grilling on friday night.
Mmmm. Looks yummy.
Our crew posing on the playground in front of the church right before we left for home.
Closeup of Sabrina on the church playground.
Closeup of Zi En on the church playground.