Our Little Summer Project

Ben Avon, Pennsylvania

Have we lost our minds?


This is our lovely new house as it looked in mid-April.


This is a historic photo of the house, which we acquired from the previous owners.  Now we can see what the siding used to look like.  We would love to restore it to this Victorian glory.  Some other time.


To say nothing of that two story porch!

If you have been following our story, you know that we have apparently lost our minds and bought a new house. 


The purchase alone would not quite make us crazy.  However, the size of the house, and the amount of remodeling that we will need to have finished before we can move in may seem a little daunting to the faint of heart.


The point of this web page is to show you the progress of this project, through multiple pictures.



When we bought the house, it had one apartment on each of it’s three floors.  We are converting it back to a single family house.  In doing so, we are retasking some of the rooms, as you will see.  We no longer need three kitchens for example.  The first two floors had identical floor plans.  By the time we are done, they will be slightly different.  Did I ask before if we were crazy?