FMRI ParaphaneliaThresholded Animated GIFs - 10/13/2007These are animated GIFs for subjects 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9 in the R1 series (data sent by Hanson, each dataset containing the same voxels, 54266 of them, with 3 spatial coordinates and 400 time swipe coordinates). In this series you see, for each subject, plotted for each time swipe t, the <x, y, z> coordinates of those voxels whose raw (BOLD) intensities are within the top 10% of such intensities. The time steps are animated. In this series, you see, for each subject, plotted for each time swipe t, the <x, y, z> coordinates of those voxels, the z statistics of which for the time series of that voxel, are among the top 10% of such z statistics. Similarly, the time steps are animated. -Joe |