A Community-Driven Scientific Workflow Recommender System
A Cyberinfrastructure Supporting Collaborative Big Data Analytics on the Internet
Secure Workflow Provenance for Collaborative Data Analytics
An Intelligent Assistant Helping Scientists on Research
A Community-Driven Scientific Workflow Recommender System
As current satellite measurements rapidly magnify the accumulation of more than 40 years of scientific knowledge, new discoveries increasingly require collaborative
integration and adaptation of various data-driven software components (tools). In recent years, scientists have learned how to codify tools into reusable software modules
that can be chained into multi-step executable workflows. However, although computing technologies continue to improve, adoption via the sharing and reuse of modules and
workflows remains a big challenge. This project tackles this challenge from a novel angle, to study how to leverage peer scientists' best practice to help
facilitate the discovery and reuse of Earth science modules developed by others. Service classification, semantic discovery, recommendation, automatic composition, deployment
and scheduling over the cloud are our research focus.
This project is sponored by National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
A Cyberinfrastructure Supporting Collaborative Big Data Analytics on the Internet
Modern science and engineering typically require support of collaboration and workflow/process.
This project extends existing single user-oriented workflow tools to support collaborative design of workflows: 1) to support real-time co-design;
2) to track how a workflow has become as it is for who has done what among multiple contributors; 3) to capture and retrieve collaboration knowledge and decision making process.
Reproducibility and scalability are two major targets demanding fundamental infrastructural support.
This project is supported by National Science Foundation and National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Secure Workflow Provenance for Collaborative Data Analytics
Collaborative data analysis has become a necessity and trend in the era of big data. In such collaborative environments, intellectual property protection mechanisms are critical to maintain and encourage research partnerships. Such mechanisms shall protect not only data sources and data analysis algorithms, but also protect data provenance. However, existing mechanisms do not provide such fine-grained protection on multi-step data analytics procedure (workflow) provenance. To address such a challenge, this project aims to study and explore novel mechanisms to secure the access and querying over collaborative scientific workflow provenance.
This project is supported by National Science Foundation.
An Intelligent Assistant Helping Scientists on Research
In the current era of knowledge explosion, it is becoming increasingly critical to help researchers quickly grasp the core ideas and methods used in the sea of published articles. This project aims to develop an intelligent system serving as reserach assistant to scientists.
This project is supported by National Aeronautics and Space Administration.