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Group Alumni |
Magnetic Nanohybrid Materials |
Magnetophoresis and Colloidal Stability of Magnetic Nanoparticles |
Ayodele Olumide Bolarinwa George |
Graduated M.Sc. Student (2012) Co-advised with Prof. Bassim H. Hameed |
E-mail: ayodele_olumide@yahoo.com |
Cynthia Kotey |
Graduated M.Sc. Student (2011) Co-advised with Dr. Lee Keat Tiong |
E-mail: cyndykote@yahoo.com |
Graduated PhD/MSc Students |
Visiting Students
1. Mohammad Abul Fattah Swais (Albaath University) - 2010 2. Hamood Nasser Mohammed Al-Riyami (Sultan Qaboos University) - 2010 3. ChiHan Chong (Imperial College) - 2012 |
Final Year Project (FYP) Students
1. Kong Li Peng (2011). Design and synthesis of nanostructured magnetic colloid augmented polymeric capsule for water remediation. 2. Selah Anak Jalak (2011). Magnetophoretic separation of microalgae by magnetite/maghemite colloid. 3. Tai Man Chin (2011). Mechanistic study of multilayer polymeric film(s) formation by QCM-D with the presence of magnetic nanocolloid. 4. Leow Chee Hoe (2012). Colloid stability of surface functionalized magnetic nanoparticles with high magnetoshape anisotropy: The study of electrosteric interaction. 5. Che Hui Xin (2012). Synthesis of surface functionalized silica-iron oxide nanocomposites with magnetic-catalytic bifunctionalities. 6. Gan Xue Jing (2012). Optimization of magnetic nanoparticles augmented polymeric microcapsule for large scale environmental engineering application. 7. Chai Chuan Chun (2013). Magnetophoretic separation of protein by surface functionalized nanoparticles with low gradient magnetic separation. 8. Goh Ee Shin (2013). Magnetophoresis of surface functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) under low field gradient. 9. Lee Zhi Hern (2013). Kinetic of low gradient magnetic separation of mix strain microalgae from fish pond water 10. Gwee Shang Jun (2014). Guided assembly of magnetic nanocomposite for removing pollutant(s) from aqueous environment. 11. Nordiana Binti Abdul Rahman (2015). Design and synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles augmented microcapsule. 12. Ahmad Huzaifah Bin Mohd Yusof (2015). Construction of silica-core, iron oxide-shell composite for water treatment. 13. Roslia Binti Rosli (2015). Repetitive magnetization of nanomaterials on influencing magnetophoresis at low field gradient. 14. Chin Wai Sing (2016). Magnetophoretic separation of motile microalgae: Self swimming vs guided migration 15. Tan Yee Ling (2016). Colloidal stability of linear and branched-polyelectrolyte coated magnetic nanoparticles. 16. Mohammad Hasif Bin Yaacob (2016). None linear cell dynamics of motile microalgae. |
Li Peng Kong |
Graduated M.Sc. Student (2013) Co-advised with Prof. Bassim H. Hameed |
E-mail: kong88klp@hotmail.com |
Nur Hidayah Binti Mat Yasin |
Graduated Ph.D. Student (2014) Co-advised with Prof. Abdul Latif Ahmad and Dr. Derek Chan |
E-mail: hidayahyasin86@gmail.com |
Yen San Chan (Stephanie) |
Graduated Ph.D. Student (2014) Co-advised with Assoc Prof. Dr. Mashitah Mat Don |
E-mail: chanyensan@yahoo.com / ys.stephanie@gmail.com |
Yeit Haan Teow |
Graduated Ph.D. Student (2014) Co-advised with Dr. BoonSeng Ooi and Prof. Abdul Latif Ahmad |
E-mail: yeithaan@hotmail.com |
Graduated Ph.D. Student (2015) Co-advised with Prof. Abdul Latif Ahmad and Dr. Derek Chan |
E-mail: peyyi2003@yahoo.com |
Yeap Swee Pin |
Graduated Ph.D. Student (2016) Co-advised with Prof. Abdul Latif Ahmad and Dr. Ooi Boon Seng |
E-mail: sweepin0727@hotmail.com |
Chai Chuan Chun |
Graduated M.Sc. Student (2016) Co-advised with Prof. Abdul Latif Ahmad |
E-mail: ccc900316@hotmail.com |
Lim Guat Wei |
Graduated PhD. Student (2016) Co-advised with Dr. Derek Chan and Prof. Abdul Latif Ahmad |
E-mail: gwlim86@hotmail.com |
Ng Qi Hwa |
Graduated PhD. Student (2016) Co-advised with Dr. Low Siew Chun and Prof. Abdul Latif Ahmad |
E-mail: ngqihwa87@live.com |