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JitKang Lim’s Research Group |
Previously, I was a student who majored in Pure Chemistry. In my undergraduate study and I found great interest on the application of colloidal nanoparticle. My current research project is focuses on the synthesis of surfactant-coated magnetic nanoparticle. In my research, I study the adsorption behavior, structure and viscous elastic behavior of different types of surfactants on the magnetic nanoparticles. In addition, I will investigate the effect of surface functionalization by surfactant on the dispersion stability and aggregation of magnetic nanoparticle in aqueous system. Since the magnetic nanoparticle is iron oxide, the hydrophobic/hydrophilic of surface and aggregation/dispersion of surfactant-coated magnetic nanoparticle will determine the recovery of iron by magnetic separation for applications related to mineral processing. |
Foo Kean Tham
Thesis title: Surfactant-Magnetic Nanoparticles Interaction under Low Magnetic Field Gradient |
B.Sc. (Hon) (Pure Chemistry) USM, 2014
Magnetic Nanohybrid Materials |
Magnetophoresis and Colloidal Stability of Magnetic Nanoparticles |