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Magnetic Nanohybrid Materials |
Magnetophoresis and Colloidal Stability of Magnetic Nanoparticles |
PeyYi won 1st Place in Student Presentation Competition at 11th International Phytotechnologies Conference 2014, Greece, Sept 30—Oct 3, 2014.
(Left) PeyYi smiling happily under the conference banner with her award certificate (Right) Magnify view of her certificate and also the ’fat’ cash cheque!
JitKang was conferred with National Young Scientist Award 2014 by Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Nov 01, 2014.
(Left) JitKang received his award with cash prize from the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Y.A.B. Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin Yassin during the ceremony of National Innovation Night of MOSTI (Right) Magnify view of JK’s certificate and his trophy with embedded alpha-helix structure of DNA.
JitKang’s achievement gain coverage on main stream media and also being highlighted as Personal Mention of the PIPER, Carnegie Mellon University
(Left) JitKang Interview with Utusan Malaysia Journalist Mr. Ashriq Ahmad. Completed article can be found on the Nov 10, 2014 issue of Utusan Malaysia (Right Top) Sin Chew Jit Poh reported JitKang achievement as National Young Scientist 2014 on the Nov 02, 2014 issue. (Right Bottom) Carnegie Mellon Newsletter the PIPER covered JitKang’s achievement as Personal Mention on their Nov 13, Vol 25, No. 19 issue.
JitKang was conferred with Certificate of Appreciation by Penang Green Council on his research contribution toward a ‘greener’ Penang state.
(Left) JitKang and SiewChun attended the Penang 3A Gala dinner organized by Penang Green Council (Right) Magnify view of JK’s certificate and a souvenir with a clause “I LOVE George Town”. |
JitKang received Promising Young Academician Award under Anugerah Akademik Negara 2015 by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Sept 21, 2015. His interview with National TV channel RTM1 about this award can be found (here).
(Left) JitKang receiving his award with cash prize from the Minister of Higher Education Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh during the ceremony of Anugerah Akademik Negara 2015 organized bye MOHE (Right) Magnify view of JK’s certificate and his trophy which weighted 4 kg plus!
JitKang talked about “How to published a paper” at Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, Sept 11, 2015.
In aligned with his ACS BOOST Award and CAS Visiting Professorship, JitKang was invited to give a talk on Publishing Your Research (如何撰写研究论文) to his coworkers. |
Dr. May Lim from School of Chemical Engineering, The University of New South Wales (UNSW) visited JK’s group on June 25, 2015. |
Dr. May Lim with JK’s group after presenting her seminar on magnetic nanomaterials. She gave a very interesting and stimulating talk about the synthesis of magnetic nanomaterials and also the use of these nanoentity for biomedical and environmental engineering applications. |
On Jan 05, 2017 JitKang gives a talk on magnetophoresis at low Reynolds Number in School of Medical Sciences, USM. This is the first time JK has visited USM Health Campus and more importantly to Kelatan, Malaysia. A very fruitful trip and discussion on various collaboration opportunity in science has been made. Special thanks to Dr. Rohimah for coordinating this trip for JK, and introduced him a group of very energetic lecturers who not only have keen interest on science but also extraordinary passion on getting science right. In this talk, JK discussed some of his research findings on magnetophoresis of nanoparticles at low gradient magnetic field. The origin of JK’s interest on all these works can be tracked back to the seminal paper of E.M. Purcell on Life at Low Reynolds Number. This paper introduced the beauty of nanoscopic motion to JK and forever changed his way of thinking on transport phenomena.
Prof. Neil Foster and Dr. Jane Beh from Department of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University visited JK’s group on Dec 06, 2016. |
(Left) Neil giving his talk on Supercrifical Fluids, Gas Expanded Liquids and Sub-Critical Water: Tools for Process Intensification in School of Chemical Engineering, USM. (Right) Neil, Jane, JK with a group of enthusiastic students. This activity was organized by ACS Student Chapter of USM.
JitKang conducting a Scientific Writing Workshop at Jabatan Kimia Malaysia (Office of Chemistry, under Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation) on May 31—June 01, 2016.
(Left) JK is working hard to explain Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) to the participants of the workshop. (Right) JK with all the workshop participants.
Syazwan won the the Grant Prize of 3 Minute Thesis presentation of USM
Syazwan (left) happily receiving his certificate from Deputy Dean of IPS, Dr. Hasrina Mustafa (middle).