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JitKang Lim’s Research Group |
Currently, I am working on synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanocolloids tailored with specific surface functionalization. Due to the attractive magnetism properties and large surface-to-volume ratio, magnetic nanocolloids (MNCs) have been envisaged in various engineering applications especially as potential nanoagents in water remediation. However, on top of all the established potential utilizations, I am of great interest to venture into this booming technology from the environmental aspect, which directly determined by the ultimate fate and transportation of nanocolloids in the environment. Non-functionalized MNCs have limited transportability and easily retained within soil medium, leading to severe eco(toxicity). Hence, it should be highlighted that besides exploring and enjoying the benefits brought by MNCs, as a researcher, it is our responsibility to keep environment impacts as core of study. In my research, I am focussing on the overall life cycle of MNCs, starting from (i) colloids synthesis, (ii) development of a powerful surface engineering strategy to enhance colloidal stability of MNCs, (iii) colloids application in sand column (imitating the real soil-like environment), and (iv) magnetically re-harvesting of MNCs to keep large amount of particles from entering the surrounding area. Besides daily experiments, I have to deal with difference characterization techniques such as Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM-D), and also figure out the way to translate the experimental data into mathematical models.
Publications: S.P. Yeap, P.Y. Toh, A.L. Ahmad, S.C. Low, S.A. Majetich, J.K. Lim, “Colloidal stability and magnetophoresis of gold-coated iron oxide nanorods in biological media”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 22561—22569.
S.P. Yeap, A.L. Ahmad, B.S. Ooi, J.K. Lim, “Electrosteric stabilization and its role on cooperative magnetophoresis of colloidal magnetic nanoparticles”, Langmuir 28 (2012) 14878—14891.
J.K. Lim, S.P. Yeap, C.H. Low, P.Y. Toh, S.C. Low, “Magnetophoresis of iron oxide nanoparticles at low field gradient: the role of shape anisotropy”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2014.01.044)
J.K. Lim, S.P. Yeap, H.X. Che, S.C. Low, “Characterization of magnetic nanoparticle by dynamic light scattering”, Nanoscale Research Letter 8 (2013) 1—14.
H.X. Che, S.P. Yeap, A.L. Ahmad, J.K. Lim, “Layer-by-layer assembly of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles decorated silica colloid for water remediation”, Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 68—78. |
Swee Pin Yeap
Thesis title: Design and synthesis of surface functionalized magnetic nanocolloid tailor toward large scale engineering applications
B.Sc. (Hon) (Chem. Eng.), USM, 2011 |
Magnetic Nanohybrid Materials |
Magnetophoresis and Colloidal Stability of Magnetic Nanoparticles |