Justin J. Mohney, Architectural Drawing I

Ebony Pencil drawing of the lounge in NH1.

Ebony Pencil drawing of curved walls in UC.

Ebony Pencil 2 poitn perspective of my basement with Ping Pong Table.

Ebony pencil perspective view of stairwell in CFA.

Conte Crayon drawings of cross contour. (1st 2 are 12 minute, 2nd 2 are 5 minute drawings)

Sharpie Marker drawing of cross contour.

Ebony pencil drawing using 2 point perspective to draw the pool in the UC.

Ebony pencil drawing using 1 point perspective of hall in CFA

Contour Line of hallways in CFA, New House, and Maggie Mo.

Contour line of UC, Maggie Mo, and Hammerschlag using foreground.

Contour line with Conte Crayon

Contour line with Sharpie Marker.