Comcast Service Disclosures

Comcast strives to provide consumers with accessible, easy-to-understand information about the services we provide, so they can make informed decisions about which services best meet their needs. Consistent with that goal, we have designed this page to act as a single place where consumers and others can come to access and review the relevant policies, agreements, and other information about these services.


Network management practices

Performance characteristics

Comcast provides a detailed summary of its Internet service performance containing information about speed and latency, as well as other related topics. (...).

Comcast provides residential and commercial customers with a variety of high-speed Internet plans from which to choose, with download speed tiers ranging from up to 3 megabits per second ("Mbps") to up to 250 Mbps (in select markets) and upload speeds ranging from up to 768 kilobits per second ("kbps") to up to 25 Mbps on our DOCSIS 3.0 cable network. In select markets we also offer a fiber-based service with download speeds up to 505 Mbps and upstream speeds up to 100 Mbps. (...).

Comcast provisions its customers' modems and engineers its network to enable customers to enjoy the speeds to which they subscribe. However, Comcast does not guarantee that a customer will achieve those speeds at all times. Unless a customer purchases a dedicated Internet connection, no Internet Service Provider ("ISP") can guarantee a particular speed at all times. Comcast advertises its speeds as "up to" a specific level based on the tier of service to which a customer subscribes. The "actual" speed that a customer will experience while using the service depends upon a variety of conditions, many of which are beyond the control of an ISP. These conditions include:

  1. Performance of a customer's computer, including its age, processing capability, operating system, the number of applications running simultaneously, and the presence of any adware and viruses.
  2. Type of connection between a customer's computer and modem. For example, in-home wireless connections between the computer and the router or modem may be slower than wired connections. In-home wireless connections also may be subject to greater performance fluctuations, caused by factors like interference and congestion. Comcast recommends that customers confirm that their in-home wireless connections are able to support the speeds that Comcast's services deliver. Certain older in-home wireless connections and routers cannot perform at the speeds delivered by Comcast's higher speed tiers. Customers can purchase their modem and router at a retail outlet, or they can lease the necessary equipment from Comcast, though even wireless routers leased from Comcast are subject to some of the same limitations mentioned above.
  3. The distance packets travel (round trip time of packets) between a customer's computer and their final destination on the Internet, including the number and quality of the networks of various operators in the transmission path. The Internet is a "network of networks." A customer's Internet traffic may traverse the networks of multiple providers before reaching its destination, and the capabilities of those networks may affect the overall speed of that Internet connection.
  4. Congestion or high usage levels at the website or destination. When you access a site or particular destination that is being visited by others at the same time, you may experience a slower connection if the site or destination does not have sufficient capacity to serve all of the visitors efficiently at the same time.
  5. Gating of speeds or access by the website or destination. To control traffic or performance, many websites limit the speeds at which a visitor can download from their site. Those limitations will carry through to a customer's connection.
  6. The performance of the cable modem you have installed. Modem performance may degrade over time, and certain modems are not capable of handling higher speeds. (...)