80-201 Epistemology
Kevin T. Kelly.
10:30 to 11:50 Tuesday and Thursday
BH 235-A
Office 135 K BH.
hours: 1:00 – 2:00 PM Tuesday and Thursday or by appt.
online scanned papers linked to this page.
reading questions to be turned in at the end of class.
first paper project (4 page max)
final paper proposal (counts as one
reading exercise)
final paper project (6 page max)
aim of the course is to provide a survey of recent philosophical thinking about
the nature of knowledge. We will read articles in an anthology on the subject,
supplemented with other material when appropriate. The course will be small,
and students will be expected to discuss the results of the reading. Such a
class can only succeed if everyone is prepared. In order to give you proper
credit for preparation, each reading assignment will be accompanied by reading
questions to be turned in at the end of class. The reading questions are
also intended to give you some idea of what sorts of questions you should be
asking yourself when you read a philosophical text.
This is a 200 level class, but the students attending differ quite a bit in
terms of background and experience. That can be a good thing. More
advanced students can usefully further their knowledge by offering advice to
younger students. Also, humanities
students are better at essays and science students are better at formal
modeling. It all matters, so it all
tends to average out in this class.
I. The Analysis of
Classical statement of the problem
The Gettier problem: a causal
The Gettier problem: a
truth-tracking response
The Gettier problem: an
explanatory chain response
The Gettier problem: an
indefeasibility response
First Paper Assignment
II. Foundationalism
and Coherentism
III. Skepticism
Skeptical positions
Anti-skeptical positions
Inductiion and probability
IV. A Priori
Against Analyticity
Neo-Kantian psychologism
Naturalistic Epistemology
Final paper assignment
The Analysis of Knowledge
statement of the problem
Reading assignment: Plato's Meno.
Questions (to be answered in one or two succinct sentences):
- What mistake does Meno persistently commit in his attempts to define
- How does Meno argue that inquiry is impossible?
- How does Socrates
- How does Socrates
distinguish knowledge from true belief?
Gettier problem: A causal response
Reading assignment: Gettier, Goldman
- What is Goldman's theory
of knowledge?
- How does it account for Gettier's example?
- How is it superior to
Clark's theory?
- Sam's deranged mind
causes him to lie about whatever he sees. Sam sees that A owns the car and
tells you B owns the car, leading you to truly believe that either A or B owns the car. Sam seems honest and you don't
know about his deranged state. Do you know, on Goldman's account, that A
or B owns the car?
Be sure to look at the footnotes. That's often where the
action is.
The Gettier
problem: a "truth-tracking" response
Reading assignment: Nozick.
- Is Goldman's version of
the causal theory refuted by Nozick's
"tank" example? Why or why not?
- What is Nozick's analysis of knowledge?
- Why does Nozick add condition (4) to his analysis of knowledge
(what example requires it)?
- What is the
"outweighing" condition for (what example requires it)?
Gettier problem: an explanatory chain response.
Reading assignment: Alan (not
H. Goldman, "Nozick
on Knowledge: Finding the Right Connection"
- What
happens when the sensing example is run through Nozick's account?
- How does
Goldman refute Nozick's third and fourth conditions.
- How does
Goldman refute indefeasibility theories?
- What is
Goldman's own analysis and how does it handle the examples you described
in answers 1-3?
The Gettier problem: an indefeasibility approach
assignment: Keith Lehrer.
This is probably the most
difficult article we will read. (That doesn't mean it's the best). Don't panic
if you find it tough going. Just try to chain the many definitions
together and focus on how he handles the examples. Compare with what Nozick would say.
- Define
"evident", "beating", "neutralizing", and
- How does
Lehrer's account handle the Gettier problem?
- How does
Lehrer handle cases of misleading information?
- How does
he handle cases of extraneous information?
First Paper Assignment
4 pages maximum,
12 pt. font, double spaced. Write a
longer, exploratory draft and then whittle it down to size.
Topic: A
critical essay on the analysis of S knows that P.
- succinctness,
- correct
statement of the theories under consideration,
- correct description of examples.
- correct application of the theories to examples.
- selection of relevant examples.
- Originality
is not a major factor in this assignment, but is always appreciated if the
preceding criteria are met.
strategies for an interesting philosophy thesis:
- Theory
of knowledge X is wrong because of this example;
- Theory
of knowledge X is better than theory Y because X can deal with example E
and theory Y cannot.
- Theory
of knowledge X is equivalent to theory Y even though theory X appears very
different from theory Y.
- Here are
some advantages of theory of knowledge X over theory of knowledge Y.
- Here is
how to fix theory X to deal with example E without causing trouble in the
other standard examples.
topics (you are welcome to choose your own. These are just for illustration.)
- Discuss
the consequences of weakening Nozick's principle
(4) to (4') If h had been true S would not have
believed that not-h. Compare to Lehrer’s theory.
- Compare
Goldman's theory to Nozick's. Are they essentially
the same? Use examples to argue your point.
- How do
the various theories we have considered deal with the Grabit
- How does
Alan Goldman’s theory compare to Alvin Goldman’s?
- Was
Plato the author of the “justified true belief” formula?
- What
does the tracking theory say about Lehrer’s
desk example?
Cite all
sources properly and include them in a bibliography. An in-text citation
looks like: (Edwards 1994, p. 54), where Edwards is the author’s name and 1994
is the publication date. Alternatively, you can say the author’s
last name and put the date in parentheses, as in “This argument is due to
Edwards (1994).’’
Citations are
typically for books, journal articles, and articles in collections.
Edwards, Samuel (1994) How to Think. New
York: Philosophy Publishing.
Paper in edited book.
Samuel (1994) “How to Think” in Papers on Thinking, Jane Seymour, ed. New York: Philosophy Publishing, pp. 47-52.
Paper in
Edwards, Samuel (1994) “How to Think”. Thought 42: pp. 47 -52.
bibliography should be in alphabetical order.
Foundations vs. Coherence
assignment: William Alston
- What is
Will's argument against the infallibility of first-person perceptual
- What is
minimal foundationalism?
- How does
self-justification differ from immediate justification?
- How does
Alston propose that immediate justification might obtain without
assignment: Laurence Bonjour
- What are
the principles of the CTEK?
- Does
Alston's response to Will and Lehrer apply as well to Bonjour?
- What is
the main difficulty to be addressed by the CTEK?
- Show how
use of a new scientific instrument could count as observation in the CTEK.
Other sources:
Bonjour, L.
(1985) The Structure of Empirical Knowledge.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Sosa, E.
(1991) Knowledge in Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. See
especially "The Raft and the Pyramid".
assignment: Alvin Goldman
- What
does the "Humperdink" example show?
- What is Goldman 's "recipe" for constructing
counterexamples to accounts of basic beliefs?
- What is
the problem concerning the generality of process types?
- How does
Goldman account for agents who don't believe in their own reliability? (this is the standard coherentist
objection to reliabilism!)
Extra source:
Goldman, A.
(1986). Epistemology and Cognition. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press.
assignment: David Annis
- What
objections must a justified believer be able to answer?
- What is
the most neglected component of justification theory?
- What
beliefs are contextually basic?
- Briefly
contrast this theory with Goldman's and Alston's.
and Confirmation
Leonard Savage
Lecture notes on probability
- What are
personal probabilities and utilities?
- What do
"necessary" views of probability strive for?
- How does
personal probability account for the "objectivity of scientific
- Does
personal probability theory provide a ratioanal
basis for induction?
Antiskeptical Positions
Reading assignment:
G.E. Moore
- What
four properties did Moore's seven statements have in common?
- What
three observations does Moore make concerning contingency?
- What
skeptical argument does Moore charge with inconsistency, and how?
- What
premise does Moore think the skeptic has not adequately established?
Also read: Norman Malcolm
- What
three comments does Malcolm make concerning knowledge?
- What is
the strong sense of "know"?
- How does
regarding nothing as evidence differ from predicting that nothing would
change one's mind?
- How is
the first-person perspective different than the third-person perspective
concerning the strong sense of "know"?
Tracking and Skepticism
assignment: Robert Nozick
- Do you
know you are not a brain in a vat?
- Do you
know that you are answering philosophy questions right now?
- How does
Nozick account for Plato's discussion of the
statues of Daedalus?
- Do you
know that you are sane?
Tracking and Induction
assignment: Jonathan Vogel
- How does
the bank example work and what does it show?
- According
to Nozick, why do we know that the sun will rise
tomorrow? Do we know it won’t suddenly stop?
- What is
the “backtracking” interpretation of conditionals and how does Lewis’
semantics exclude it? (Important point).
- How can Nozick’s account be saved by modifying Lewis’
Convergence and Ockham's Razor
assignment: Kevin Kelly (pp. 223 - 240).
- What is
the basic puzzle about simplicity and truth?
- Why is
convergence to the truth insufficient for solving the puzzle?
- Why is
it insufficient to say that simpler theories are better tested by the
- What is
the freeway metaphor and how does it explain Ockham’s razor?
IV. A Priori
assignment: C.I. Lewis and A.J. Ayer (read
C.I. Lewis
- What are
a priori truths?
- How does
Lewis disagree with Mill
- What
would prompt changes in a priori laws?
- Is logic
immune from experience?
A. J. Ayer
- According
to Ayer, what are the truths of logic and mathematics?
- According
to Ayer, what is an analytic truth?
- How do
analytic truths differ from metaphysics?
- Which
geometry is true?
Reading assignment: W.V.O. Quine
- How does
Quine object to Ayer's characterization of
- How does
Quine object to defining analyticity in terms of
"salva veritate"?
- What is Quine's objection to Carnap's
notion of "semantical rules"?
- What is Quine's objection to Leibniz' characterization of
analyticity in terms of "possible worlds"?
Neo-Kantian Psychologism
Reading assignment: Philip Kitcher
What is
the objection to Kitcher's first account of a
priori knowledge?
What is Kitcher's account of a priori knowledge?
What is
"universal" empirical knowledge?
How does
Kitcher's account exclude a priori perceptual
V. Truth
vs. Coherence
Reading assignment: Bertrand Russell and Nicholas Rescher:
What are
Russell's two arguments against coherentist theories of truth?
to Russell, is there a fact corresponding to a false belief?
What is Neurath's view and does Rescher
were Bradley's two factors of coherence?
Why does
Rescher think it is a good policy to consider
only coherent systems to be true. Compare
his view to Bonjour's.
Final Paper
Due date: April 30, in class, firm. Be prepared to present your paper in a
second in-class symposium.
Length: 5 pages maximum, 12 pt. font, double spaced. Write a longer, exploratory draft and then whittle it down to size.
Bibliography not included in page count.
Topic: Any topic covered in class, preferably after the midterm (Justification,
Skepticism, A Priori Knowledge). Feel free to
use fewer pages. You will be downgraded for stalling or wasting space.
criteria: same as before: succinctness, correct statement of
the theories under consideration, correct description
of examples. correct application of the theories to
examples. selection of relevant examples. Originality
is not a major factor in this assignment, but is always appreciated if the
preceding criteria are met.
References: Include at least five outside references. Cite all sources properly and
include them in a bibliography.