Kevin T. Kelly
Department of Philosophy
Carnegie Mellon University
Static science: Textbooks teach and defend a completed theoretical system.
Cumulative history: Bad old history supports the textbook image by asking how historical science contributed to the modern system in a cumulative way.
New history: New history shows that science is not cumulative. Rejected science is called "prejudice and supersition".
Historical symmetry: New history treats old scientific developments as systems in their own right, rather than as partial contributions to the modern scientific system.
Insights of new history:
Historical contingency: Method does not uniquely determine new beliefs [accidents in the lab, prior experience, individual psychology].
Paradigms: Shared, unquestioned background commitments lead to group efficiency [ontology, shared education, methodological approach].
Anomalies: Difficulties arise that resist solution according to the shared background.
Revolution: Sometimes new shared commitments are adopted to meet the anomalies, including new scientific rules and methods.
Theory-Ladenness: Facts are partly constituted by theoretical concepts, so the world changes when the background commitments change.
Incommensurability: The new tradition has to creatively rework the old concepts in new terms, so the changes are not cumulative.
Revolutionarity of discovery: New discoveries induce revolutions, and hence are not entirely factual.
Who's on first?: The historian, rather than the scientist, has the right perspective on science.
No place to stand: The normataive/descriptive distinction distinguishes "is" from "ought". History is the former; methodology is the latter. But the new history sees this distinction as a constitutive part of old history, rather than as an objective logical rule that all must obey. The value of the distinction depends on which history is a better "elucidation" of the historical data.
Normal science = research based on a shared paradigm.
Paradigm = a past scientific achievement with two properties:
Unprecedented enough to sustain a following.
Incomplete enough to suggest new research questions
Scientific tradition = research group that shares a paradigm. [e.g., Aristotelian dynamics, Ptolemaic astronomy, corpuscular optics].
Preparadigm science: constant debate over fundamentals, no clear winner, no detailed confrontation with data, ignore phenomena handled by other theories [e.g., ancient optics, 18th c. electricity].
Postparadigm science: sequence of paradigms separated by revolutions characterized by penetrating experimental investigations made possible by the shared labor of paradigm members [corpuscular optics, wave optics, quantum optics].
Arduous road: Difficult to forge first paradigm.
Data irrelevance: no agreement about which facts are relevant.
Blind lists of facts: Baconian science an herbals are proto-science.
Static data pool: The only uncontroversial data arise from shallow observation or technological problems.
False phenomena: without paradigm guidance, some false phenomena slip into the data pool.
Advent of first paradigm
Focuses research: Renders some experiments worthless and others very interesting. Concentrates research on narrow experiments that do not arise in ordinary life.
Censorship: Adherents of other traditions are ignored.
Disciplinary identity: Paradigm adoption was the test that separated each science from Philosophy.
Foundations backgrounded: No need for paradigm members to debate basic assumptions, so studies appear more focused and applied.
Rise of textbooks: Shared assumptions now form the curriculum of the discipline. Work on principles is reduced to a mopping up or pedagogical exercise.
Movement from books to articles: Scientific books are textbooks or popularizations. They don't count as real research, which is confined to narrow journal articles. Book authors are liable to be called "philosophers".
Technicality: the articles become unintelligible to laymen as they specialize.
Short time of crystallization: in electricity, the fluid paradigm solidified between 1740 and 1780, when it accounted for the Leyden jar.
Paradigm Incompleteness:
Limited in scope
Limited in precision
Promise of improvement
Paradigm articulation = working out examples the paradigm already provides (novelties not sought).
Normal Science = paradigm articulation
Function: normal science forces scientists to study nature at unprecedented depth generating phenomena that never would have been seen otherwise.
Normal activities:
Fact gathering:
Observations that determine signifcant facts: observations needed by the paradigm to describe reality [e.g., planetary positions in astronomy].
Obsrevations that test the theory: otherwise curious and uninteresting phenomena that provide direct tests of the paradigm's assumptions. [Michelson-Morly interferometer, precession of Mercury, Eoetvos' test].
Observations that articulate the paradigm:
Fundamenetal constant measurement [e.g., Cavendish balance].
Quantitative laws of subsidiary phemonema of relevance [e.g., Boyle's law, Coulomb's law]
Extension of paradigm into new types of phenomena [e.g., explaining ideal gas law using caloric theory]
Theoretical work:
Significant applications [e.g., radio, calendar]. Considered hackwork.
Increase precision of tests [e.g., add friction, exchange point pendulum for extended pendulum]
Theoretical articulation [alternate formulations of mechanics]
Three kinds of normal problems:
determination of significant fact
matching facts with theory
Extraordinary problems come only out of normal science. Trying to find them just makes you a quack.
Novelty is not a goal: narrow range of expected outcomes.
Goal is increased precision.
Nontriviality: must obtain new illustrations of the paradigm. Failure to obtain agreement counts against the scientist, not the paradigm.
Outcome not important
Solvability guaranteed in advance.
Test skill of solver.
Failure to obtain a solution counts against solver [like physics lab classes].
Rules for legitimate and illegitimate solution [measurements must be related to the paradigm by theoretical accounts of the apparatus; accounting for lunar motion by altering the gravitational force law didn't count].
Normal science = puzzle solving
General goals of science
exploration of new territory
tsearch for order
challenge to established views
Individual goals of science: puzzle solving. General goals bring you to normal science. Then it's puzzle solving.
Kinds of rules for valid solutions:
Concepts and laws of paradigm may not be altered.
Acceptable instrumentation technologies [e.g., role of fire in chemical analysis].
General heuristic commitments [e.g., Cartesian mechanism].
Metaphysical: what kinds of entities count as explanatory.
Methodological: laws may only involve explanatory entities.
General (extra-paradigmatic) rules of science [e.g., to reduce disorder to order]
Indeterminacy of rules: paradigms do not uniquely determine how to proceed to solve a puzzle.