Introduction to Bayesian Methodology

Kevin T. Kelly

Department of Philosophy

Carnegie Mellon University

Mathematical probability theory

Think of propositions as sets of possible states of the world. Thus, "the sky is blue" picks out all world states in which the color of the sky is blue. Some of these world states will have houses and cars and others will not.

Bayesian methodology:

A ratioanal agent whose degrees of belief are represented by probability function P should update her degrees of belief to P(.|E) after observing E.

By Bayes' theorem, the new degree of belief in H after seeing E is

This formula is so important that the individual parts have special, time-honored names:

Some methodological consequences:

Refutation is fatal: If consistent E is inconsistent with H, then P(H|E) = 0.

Surprising predictions are good, initial plausibilities being similar: If H entails E, then P(H|E) = P(H)/P(E), which is greater insofar as P(E) is lower.

Strong explanations are good, initial plausibilities being similar: P(H1|E)/P(H2|E) = [P(H1)/P(H2)][P(E|H1)/P(E|H2)].

Unification is good, initial plausibilities being similar: A unified theory explains some regularity that the disunified theory does not. For example, Copernicus' theory entails that the total number of years must equal the total number of synodic periods + the total number of periods of revolution.

High initial plausibility is good, explanations being similar: P(H1|E)/P(H2|E) = [P(H1)/P(H2)][P(E|H1)/P(E|H2)].

Saying more lowers probability: H entails H' ===> P(H) =< P(H').

Conflict turns explanatory strength into an asset: Hey, didn't we just say that strong explanations are good??? That is true if the initial plausibilities are similar. But if one theory entails the other, they won't be. Thus, unification-style arguments only work if the competing theories are mutually contradictory!

Some defeasible objections

Scientific method should be objective. The method is objective. Everybody is supposed to update by calcluating personal probabilities. Some of the inputs to this method (prior probabilities) are not objective.

Scientific method should not consider subjective, prior plausibilities. That's just the kind of blind, pre-paradigm science Kuhn ridicules as being sterile. Without prior plausibilities to guide inquiry, no useful experiments would ever be performed.

Priors should be flat. What is flat? If we are uncertain about the size of a cube, should we be indifferent about

Whichever one we are unbiased about, we are strongly biased about the others!

Some more serious objections

High posterior probability doesn't mean that the theory is true. To some extent, one can show that the agent must believe that she will converge to the truth. But this doesn't mean that she will.

It isn't clear that numbers like P(E) even exist. One can respond with a protocol for eliciting such numbers, but in practice it doesn't always work. One can say that the subjects are "irrational", but the audience can always blame Bayesianism instead of the subjects.

The old evidence problem. If E is already known, then P(H|E) = P(H) P(E|H)/P(E) = P(H). So old evidence never "confirms" a hypothesis.


Some very pertinent objections concerning scientific revolutions

The problem of lost constraints arises when new possibilities arise that were previously thought impossible.

The problem of found constraints arises when possibilities formerly entertaind are no longer though possible: Sometimes it is learned that a theory makes a prediction that nobody noticed before. Thus, Einstein found that general relativity implies the orbital precession of Mercury, whereas Maxwell discovered that Ampere's law is inconsistent with the other principles of electromagnetism. The movement of probability toward or away from the theory affected by the newly discovered implication is not governed by the conditioning rule.

The problem of found constraints is a bit easier than the problem of lost constraints, since adding constraints determines a new probability model, whereas relaxing constraints could lead to many very different models.

A Quasi-Bayesian model of scientific revolutions


We want to look as much like rational Bayesians as possible. But...

  1. Limited inventiveness: We are too stupid to visualize all possible future theories all at once. Hence, we always over-rate the probability of our current "pet" theory at the expense of possible future theories. When a plausible new theory is discovered, we shift probability to it.
  2. Limited theorem proving ability: We are too stupid to see all the consequences of the theories we know about. Our degree of belief that one will be found goes down as we fail to find one.
  3. Limited proof-checking ability: Even when presented with a proof, we don't trust it right away. Our degree of belief that it is a proof goes up as it withstands criticism. It goes down when prominent people doubt it.

Normal science:



