Kevin T. Kelly
Department of Philosophy
Carnegie Mellon University
Lyell's Volume 1of Principles of Geology.
Voume 2 (1832): focus on organic world:
reasons for position
Stonesfield dig: mammal fossils much earlier than progressionists thought. Progressionists simply revised the date of first appearance.
measurement: steady-state extinction and creation allows one to measure the age of strata by the ratio of extinct species present (?? why couldn't Lamarck use ratio of altered species?)
evolution contradicted steady-state geology.
change of species not "true cause"; never observed.
design: natural process of change wouldn't produce adaptation.
steady-state fits with deistic religion.
special status of man: evolution would bring man down to ordinary organism status. Lyell was a progressionist until he read Lamarck and saw the implications for man.
if natural evolution worked, design argument would fail.
Lyell's dilemma:
Reactions to Lyell
Herschell (letter from Cape of Good Hope).
origin of species = "mystery of mysteries"
read Lyell as proposing law-like causal mechanism for new speies.
God operates through intermediate causes
agreed with actualism, not anti-progressionism.
agreement based on "true cause" philosophy of science (he said so explicitly).
also agreed with Lyell except for anti-progressionism.
similar to Herschell and Baden-Powell.
extra idea on origins based on calcuating machine.
Urged outright miracles.
adjusting power outside nature.
New species created usually after catastrophes, but miracles nonetheless.
Man is culmination of a long series.
Hence, species are no longer being created.
design argument.
Lawyer's argument: but even if creation is lawlike, it still shows design.
Billy Whistle
Each geological event has a sufficient cause.
So if we haven't seen a cause sufficient for a known effect, we may have to invoke supernatural causes.
Arguments against natural laws of species generation:
Conclusion: God creates according to his own, non-natural laws.
directionalist who denied directionality in the fossil record (?)
Difference with Cuvier:
Frame of debate = ancient theological tension:
Defect in the debate: Liberals equivocal about the standing of the laws governing creation. Both sides too concerned to preserve man's uniqueness and dignity.