A natural language processing-based active and interactive platform for accessing English language content and advanced language learning, Funded by QNRF 12/2010 – 11/2013. Co-PI Prof. Teruko Mitamura of CMU Language Technologies Institute
Learning from Comparable Corpora for Improved English-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation, Funded by QNRF 12/2010 – 11/2013. Co-PI Prof. Stephan Vogel of CMU Language Technologies Institute
Improved Arabic Natural Language Processing through Semisupervised and Cross-lingual Learning, Funded by QNRF, 9/2009 – 8/2012, Co-PI Prof. Noah Smith of CMU Language Technologies Institute
Statistical Machine Translation between English and Turkish, Supported by TUBITAK, 10/2005 – 9/2008.
Developing a Lexical Functional Grammar for Turkish, Supported by TUBITAK, 10/2005 – 9/2008.
LingBrowser: A NLP-based tool for Linguistic Exploration, Supported jointly by NSF and by TUBITAK, 10/2005 – 9/2008. (Co-Principal Investigator is Prof. Sharon Inkelas at UC Berkeley)
Developing a Turkish WordNet within the BalkaNet Consortium, Sept 1 2001, August 2004, Supported by European Commission - IST Programme
Unified Electronic Lexicon of Turkish Co-PI along with Prof. Sharon Inkelas of UC Berkeley, Supported by TUBITAK and NSF, 2000 - 2004
Development of Finite State Light Parser for Turkish Supported by TUBITAK, 2000 -- 2002.
Development of a Turkish Treebank Corpus , Supported by TUBITAK, 2000 -- 2002.(Co-PI jointly with Bilge Say at METU Information Institute).
TU-LANGUAGE: Developing Computational Foundations and Applications for Turkish Language Processing, Supported by NATO Science for Stability Program, 1994-1998.
Developing Language Engineering Resources for Low-density Languages , Supported by a NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant (jointly with Sergei Nirenburg of NMSU/CRL and Oleg Kapanadze of Tbilisi State University) Georgia. 1999-2001.