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The rented mini van was packed up last night so we can depart at 7:15 a.m. in the morning. As the alarm rang out at 6:30 a.m., I felt like I was getting up to head to work. But this was no ordinary Friday. First, my cousin Art, who typically runs late, was on time with the van. We joke that he operates on Artie time--slightly behind the rest of the world. And we were not heading to work via the HOV lane, but rather using it as a launching off point to a destination further east--Stone Harbor, on the coast of the Garden State, New Jersey. My mom, Bev, was joining us for this extended family vacation, as was Art's mom Dorie and his brother Paul. We started this tradition of vacationing at the beach last year.
It was foggy last year when we left and this tradition lingered with us this year. The sun looks like a giant hole of light in the sky, it's kind of eery, but also cleanisng and mysterious. I think it's fitting weather to depart in since the ocean also has many of these characteristics.
The ride was about six and a half hours and along the way we each had our parts to make sure we had a safe and fun ride down. Art drives, Bev navigates and doles out snacks and lunch, I serve as an extra set of eyes (looking for cars in the blind spots and cows out to pasture) and encourage the game of highway bingo, Dorie has the change for the tolls and Paul serves as the disc jockey with his extensive and diverse CD collection, including Bruce Springsteen and the Mamas and the Papas.
We are on the Pennsylvania Turnpike most of the time, bypassing the corn farms, windmill farms, Breezewood, driving through the Allegheny Mountain, Tuscarora Mountain, Kittatuny Mountain and Blue Mountain tunnels, waving our regards to Gettysburg and Harrisburg and driving through Philadelphia (always a stressful time becausing we are getting anxious to be at the beach and have to handle city traffic). Yet, Philadephia rewards us with the Walt Whitman Bridge and and its great docks along the Delaware River. We enter New Jersey, tranverse the Atlantic City Expressway and the Garden State Parkway, to the Great Egg Harbor Bridge and then Stone Harbor.
We pick up the key to the rental house, located on 121st Street, load the fridge up with groceries and crash on the porch. We're happy to be here, and will check out the beach tomorrow.
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As the day winds down, we notice a rainbow in the clouds that circles around the sun. I am sure there is some sort of meterological term for circular rainbows, but all I can say is cool. I never saw a rainbow that went in a circle--I guess the pot of gold was the sun itself. |
Our evening wrapped up with the longest Uno! game I have ever experienced. I think we could apply for a world record. It last for nearly two hours when we called it with no apparent end in sight.
We shake off sleep early today to get to the beach. The weather reports that it is going
to be another hot and sunny day. And it is! Even the sea gulls are trying to cool off. We
watch several ride the waves. Sure, they could have been looking for lunch but we suspect
that they were enjoying the cool ocean water and trying to escape the hot sand. The
neighborhood dolphins are also playing in the water off shore. Inspired by the dolphins and gulls enjoying the water, I decide to get up out of the beach chair and walk along the water to collect some shells. Tide was low so there were a lot to choose from. I prefer whole shells and find a few whole clam shells (both sides still attached) and a bunch of single ones. I also encounter a horse crab that appears to be alive yet it's beached so I am not sure if I should risk touching it to save it or not. As I debate, two little boys come by with their shovel and lop it into the waves. If it was alive, hopefully the impact did not hurt too much. But they do have hard shells.
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The window blind is flapping around this morning and since we are about a block and a quarter back from the beach, I know that it must be windy down on the shore. The remains of Hurrican Frances are heading our way so we are expecting a few days of rough weather. There are lots of clouds but they do not look too menacing. So we pick up one of the beach shades and our pants and long sleeve shirts and head down to the beach. Dorie decides to stay at the house and rest, but we are pleasantly surprised that even though the wind is strong, it's not cold.
The waves are crashing and the wind surfers have a great day. I wonder if they realize that they kept us entertained for most of the afternoon. Over the weekend, We had seen the kite/sail type thingy they use but did not know what they were. We sit and think how much pain we would be in if we participated in such a sport. We cower inside our beach shade (wind protector is a better description today) instead and dust off the sand that accumulated on us when we return to the house late in the afternoon.
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The rain stopped overnight and it's a clear day. The weather reports that this will be the last
clear and dry day before we leave on Sunday so we're going to the beach. The water is incredibly calm
and the only traces of the rain from yesterday are the circular marks in the sand.
The few waves that there are crest (I cannot even say crash) so quietly that you feel like
you have ear plugs in with ear muffs over them. It's like Neptune turned the volume down today. All of the sand pipers are flocking together in the area of the beach where we are today. I walk over to take a picture of what I think is 50 birds and see that as I get closer the sand slopes down and more sand pipers are there too. I guess there had to be nearly 300 sand pipers together and there were a lot of sea gulls as well. They all flew together a few times (once while being chased by a small child) and it was unbelievable to see. The beach was so relaxing today that I took a nap in the beach shade. I do not think you can sleep on the beach overnight in Stone Harbor, mostly because I am sure that a lot of people would because it is just so darn relaxing. Today was really a bird day because as we were sitting on the beach a flock of pelicans skimmed along the water.
The air was very still last night. It's so quiet here that it almost frightens you. We could not hear the waves at the house and no birds or crickets were chirping. There are not even that many cars since we are toward the end of the island. I am actually glad to hear a car drive by because I then know there is some life outside of the house.
It was also very humid. When I went to put my clothes on today, they felt like the were taken out of the dryer a little too early and were damp. It's gray but warm so we go down to the beach early thinking that we might be able to get some beach time in before the rain starts. Turns out that we were right--it did not rain at all and the sun even shined a few time during the day.
The water is churning though and the waves are rough. Neptune is making up for the calm of yesterday. We are entertained today by not birds, but by surfers who did well in the turbulent waters. There were also dolphins, closer to the shore today than when we saw them before. Because we are monitoring the weather so closely, We keep hearing reports of Hurricane Ivan and its effects. We know it's headed our way so we considered today the ultimate bonus beach day.
I walked down to the annual surf contest that was taking place at Nun's Beach--no nuns on
surf boards (although that's what they have on the logo advertising the contest.) The water was coming up high on the beach today and at some points it was actually rolling uphill where the beach sloped. I could not tell it is was because of the force of the waves, the wind or a combination of the two. While on the beach we got two phone calls from friends and family in Pittsburgh reporting on the conditions from the aftermath of Hurricane Ivan. We hear that a lot of roads are closed and that businesses closed early on Friday. We are going to check in tomorrow before we leave to see if any of the roads we will travel are still closed. We only stayed on the beach a few hours. When we decided to head back to the house for lunch, we disassembled the beach shades. Art compared it to taking down the Christmas tree--one of those things you hate to have to do. It started to rain in the afternoon and the wind howled all day and into the night. Another frequent noise was the porch furniture siding across the wooden deck. All the noise was just was eery as the quiet nights before. We started to load suitcases and other items into Vinnie and straighten up the house for our departure tomorrow.
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We hear Pittsburgh is drying out and cleaning up and that most of the roads will be open. It's clear, sunny and cool here, with a nip in the wind. We finished our chores, cleaned out the fridge, took out the garbage and locked the doors and windows. We are not sure if another family is coming to the house after us, but I hope if someone is they have as nice a week as us.
On the ride home we passed by the same attractions to Paul's soundtrack of the Doors, Marc Anthony, the Supremes and the Carpenters. We stopped less and drove faster, anxious to get home and unload the Vinnie van. It has more stuff in it now that it did before, and I am not sure how that is possible. But I guess one of the mysteries of vacations is that most anything is possible. | ![]() |