- born Friday Sept. 6 at 2:37pm. Weighing in at 7 lb 10 oz.
- proud Mom and Dad. Christine looks well after 36 hours of labor, don't you think?
- Andrew with Christine and his big cousin Reilly.
- Looking very cute at the ripe old age of four days!
- Andrew with Christine, doesn't she already have that "concerned Mom" look?
- Andrew with his "other" aunt Karen.
- Enough attention already - time for sleep!
- Looking cute, happy and extremely content - i.e., asleep.
- Andrew is not a ham, I have yet to see a picture with his eyes open!
- Andrew with Grammie Gilmour and look where they are - HOME!!!!
- Happy (or yawning?) Andrew in his first Halloween costume.
- If you could not guess - he's a Pea Pod. I believe this picture is fodder for the first time he brings home a girl friend!
- Andrew with his cousins Riley and William - the three demonstrate various stages in child costume-enjoyment development: confusion, anger and excitement.