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Licensing Welcome

Official Policy for Use of Carnegie Mellon Trademarks

 Code of Workplace Conduct for Trademark Licensees


Established in 1995, Carnegie Mellon created the trademark licensing program as an extension of Retail Administration. The program provides the University with the ability to protect the use of its trademarks and to share in the benefits derived from their use.

The Office of the General Counsel has been responsible for this program since July 2003.

John "Jay" Marano joined Carnegie Mellon in the Fall of 1995 as the Licensing Coordinator responsible for protecting and promoting Carnegie Mellon´s trademarks.

Mr. Marano is a member of the International Collegiate Licensing Association (ICLA) and serves on their Board of Directors. He is also the University's voting representative to the Fair Labor Association (FLA) and the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC).

Mr. Marano was elected in 2004 and in 2006 to the Executive Committee of the FLA’s University Advisory Council where he represents schools with either small trademark licensing programs or no campus licensing programs.

Mr. Marano was elected in May 2005 to a two year term to the Board of the WRC where he represents the University Caucus schools with either small trademark licensing programs or no campus licensing programs.

On campus, Mr. Marano also serves as the Chair of Carnegie Mellon’s Staff Council.


Today the program continues its focus on trademark protection while partnering with various University constituents to assist with the compliance efforts of the trademark licensing program.

Partnering with University Advancement to promote Carnegie Mellon's identity and brand strategy and Purchasing Services and Supplier Management to promote the use of preferred suppliers are just two examples of campus outreach.

Anyone interested in using Carnegie Mellon's trademarks is encouraged to read through this website and give us a call. Our Code of Workplace Conduct requirements for current and prospective licensees can also be found on this site.

If you are a member of the Carnegie Mellon community we can help you in using trademarks of other property owners, such as celebrity images, sports figures, corporate logos, copyrighted materials, films, television shows and cartoon characters.

Contact the Trademark Licensing Office

The Trademark Licensing Office welcomes your questions and comments. Please contact John Marano if you would like to schedule a meeting or discuss any of the licensing content.

Carnegie Mellon's Trademark Licensing Office
4516 Henry Street, Rm 421

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
Phone: (412) 268-3904
Fax: (412) 268-3571

Carnegie Mellon also requires all its employees and students to order collegiate merchandise, bearing the Carnegie Mellon or other trademarks, only from trademark licensed suppliers. This pertains to merchandise that is being purchased for non-retail internal distribution and use. This requirement has been in place since April 1998, with the approval by the President's Council for the Official Policy for Use of Carnegie Mellon Trademarks.

The University Community-at-Large along with our Alumni and friends are asked to assist us in policing the marketplace for non-licensed suppliers and patronize our loyal licensees with your business.


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