A Fictional Interview with Millard Fillmore
As part of leading a study group for an Academy for Lifelong Learning Course, I wrote a fictional script of an interview
of President Millard Fillmore by a time traveling Tim Russert. Based on the biography Millard Fillmore
by Robert J. Scarry, I tried to imagine what an interview would be like. So, take a trip with us back in time to an episode of Meet the Press on Sunday, April 27, 1851. The following link opens a .wav file that recorded
our efforts. Tim Russert is played by Joe Scorpion of the Academy for Lifelong Learning and President Fillmore is played by Matt Marsteller, the Physics and Math Librarian of Carnegie Mellon University.
Fictional interview of President Millard Fillmore.
For those of you unable to enjoy the .wav file, here is a copy of the script that we read.