The IGSC stands for Indian Graduate Student Council.
It is a part of Mayur,
which is a South Asian cultural Organization. On January 11th 2003, a group of Indian Graduate Students got together and decided to - undertake world
domination and rule it despotically. Well, that too, but basically to form an
organization that catered to the needs of Indian grad students.
For naming the organization, we mulled for a long long time, well... two minutes actually, and
came up with the very snazzy name of Smoking Gunz. But then someone astutely pointed out that there has
to be a reason for any name, like maybe an acronym expansion or something. So we launched into another fit of hectic
thinking - this time lasting for three entire minutes - trying to fit
Smoking Gunz into an acronym.
At the end of which we decided astutely that perhaps...Smoking Gunz was not such a good
name after all. Just then someone had this absolute brainwave of naming the
organization IGSC. I mean sure, it sounds plain and all that but consider the
merits of it - it had an acronym expansion!! And since we were tired with all
that aforementioned thinking, we decided to stick with IGSC [which very tellingly also
expands to Intelligent Galactic Sabotage Construct]