
I am an organizational psychologist and I have obtained my PhD in Organizational Behavior. My research interests include a broad spectrum of managing relationships and careers beginning from day-to-day social interactions at work (e.g., social resource exchanges, developing, sustaining, and revising employment relationships) to managing careers (e.g., i-deals and use of online communities for career advice seeking and mentoring) to ubiquitous technology for understanding social interactions (e.g., physiological synchrony in collective intelligence). I have recently gained interest in interventions using technology to help and improve people’s career management. My research is published in conferences and journals about Management, Organizational Behavior, Human-Computer Interaction, and Social Psychology.

You can find my research in Google Scholar or Research Gate.

My e-mail contact is mtomprou at cs dot cmu dot edu


For a complete list of my publications please refer to my Google Scholar profile.

Selected Journal Publications

Rousseau, D.M., Tomprou, M., & Simosi, M. (2016). Negotiating flexible and fair idiosyncratic deals (i-deals). Organizational Dynamics, 3(45), 185-196.

Tomprou, M., Rousseau, D.M., & Hansen, S.D. (2015). The psychological contracts of violation victims: A post‐violation model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(4), 561-581.

Tomprou, M., & Nikolaou, I. (2013). Exploring the role of social influence in promise beliefs and information acquisition among newcomers. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22(4), 408-422.

Selected Conferences

Chikersal, P., Tomprou, M., Kim, Y. J., Woolley, A., & Dabbish, L. (2017). Deep Structures of Collaboration: Physiological Correlates of Collective Intelligence and Group Satisfaction. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017).

Tomprou, M., Rousseau, D.M., & Griep, Y. (2016). The victim’s experience: The aftermath of Psychological Contract Violation and its Implications for Resolution. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA<.

Tomprou, M., Xanthopoulou D., & Vakola, M. (2015). When Daily Resource Exchanges matter? Effects on Employee Functioning. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.

Tomprou, M. (2014). Relations among Psychological Contract Type, Employee Contributions, and Employer Investments. Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Selected book chapters

Tomprou M., & Hansen, S.D. (2017). Organizational Change and Psychological Contracts. In P. Petrou & M. Vakola (Ed.). The Psychology of Organizational Change. Routledge.

Rousseau, D.M., Tomprou, M., & Montes, S.D. (2013). Psychological contract theory. In E. H. Kessler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Management Theory, (pp.635-640), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.



Performance Management
Heinz College (Spring, 2013, Spring, 2014, Spring 2015)
Description: For managers across organizations, managing and developing people are key issues for successful performance. The present course has been designed to develop a manager’s skills such as facilitating subordinates’ performance and learning, providing incentives and rewards, as well as managing cultures and leading teams. Our focus is on improving your skills to develop other people and manage the expectations of stakeholders, i.e. organization, subordinates, co-workers, and clients. Topics incorporate issues and practices from different types of organizations and work environments.

Coaching, Training, and Employee Development
Heinz College (Spring 2014, Spring 2015)
Description: Organizations increasingly rely on human capital to gain competitive advantage. Specialized knowledge and skills are difficult to find and a skilled workforce is difficult for competitors to imitate. Learning initiatives are vital to employee retention and proper execution of business strategy. This course focuses on a range of learning initiatives from training and coaching to development and knowledge management. Topics covered include coaching skills, team and one-on-one coaching, training, executive coaching, and promoting a learning organization and culture.


Best Practices in Organizations
Duquesne University (Spring 2012)
Description: This course will integrate classic management theories with the current day practices. The student will integrate multiple perspectives on leading organizations through classic articles, current periodicals, and case studies. Specifically, the purpose of the course is to develop your critical thinking about what makes a practice the “best” one and the conditions under which these are “best” applied. It will develop your ability to use these organizational practices that organizational research has demonstrated to be effective. The course is designed to help you learn how to tap research evidence in determining the best practices in organizations. We will focus on the practices related to onboarding and staffing recruitment, selection, training, performance, leadership and employees’ motivation, innovation, and employment relationships.

Invited Seminars

I have designed and presented focused seminars and workshops related to the methodology I use for my research including multilevel method and analysis, experiments using physiological sensors for all levels (PhD, Graduate and Undergraduate).

Academic Services

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Peer Reviewed Journals
Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Group and Organization Management, Journal of Managerial Psychology, British Journal of Management, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Conferences
Academy of Management, Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Small Group meeting of European Association of Work and Organizational Psychologists

Academy of Management, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, American Psychological Association