Hailed as heroes, feared as gods
- Neil Abcouwer (nabcouwe) Head
- Valerie Gonzalez (vgonzale) Head
- Melissa Mann (mlmann) Field
- Sang Tian (sangt) Grade Sheet
- Nico Zevallos (nzevallo) Webmaster
- Spencer Krause (spencer.krause@gmail.com) Field
- Brock Allen (jballen) Minion
- Zane Hintzmann (zeh) Minion
- Andrew Willig (awillig) Minion
- Kevin Luo (kwluo) Minion
- Mustapa Bilgen (mbilgen) Minion
- Alex Munoz (abmunoz) Minion
Check yourself or wreck yourself
- 3.5' diameter circle, elevated 2 inches. 4 inch wide warning zone.
- 2 Robots enter. 1 advances. Tournament decides victor.
- A match has 3 one-minute rounds. Win match: 1pt. Stalemate: 0.5pt. Best Score advances.
Robot Size
- Height > 5" minimum
- Length < 7.5" maximum
- Width < 7.5" maximum
- Must be this size at the beginning and end of match.
Robot Build:
Foreign objects are not allowed. Spare lego parts must be from nxt kit or lab. Borrowing/trading with other groups (with consent) is permissable. -
Robot Entry:
All Robots must have stylized introduction show around 15 seconds long. Think WWE. Throwing chairs is not advisable. This can be a seperate program from sumo match program.