SATURDAY October 13, 2012 |
8:00-8:30 AM |
Breakfast and Opening Remarks |
8:30-10:00 AM |
Session 1A: Online Competition
Session Chair: Jianqing Chen
1. Channel Competition in Online Referral Markets. Zhuoxin Li, Ashish Agarwal and Stephen Gilbert. †††
2. Competition With “Showrooming” Between Physical Store and Online Retailers. Amit Mehra, Subodha Kumar and Jagmohan Raju.
3. Advertising versus Brokerage Model for Online Trading Platforms. Jianqing Chen, Ming Fan and Mingzhi Li. |
Session 1B: Online Auctions
Session Chair: Ming Feng Lin
1. Coordination Support in Ascending Core-Selecting Combinatorial Auctions. Martin Bichler, Zhen Hao and Christian Kroemer.
2. Exploring Bidder Heterogeneity in Multi-channel b2b Auctions: Evidence from the Dutch Flower Auctions. Yixin Lu, Alok Gupta, Wolfgang Ketter and Eric Van Heck. †††
3. Equilibrium Bidding in Ascending Combinatorial Auctions with Risk Averse Bidders. Kemal Guler, Ioannis Petrakis and Martin Bichler. |
10:00-10:30 AM |
Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00 PM |
Session 2A: Software Pricing
Session Chair: Ram Chellappa
1. Selling vs. Leasing Software: A Theoretical Evaluation. Jie Zhang and Abraham Seidmann.
2. Product and Pricing Strategies in Vertically Differentiated Markets with Costly Under-provisioning: The Case of Versioning in Software Industry. Shivendu Shivendu and Zhe Zhang.
3. Vaporware: Product Pre-Announcements in a Duopoly with Network Effects. Dmitry Zhdanov.
Session 2B: Crowdsourcing
Session Chair: Yong Tan
1. How to Design Crowdsourcing Contests: A Structural Empirical Analysis. Yan Huang and Tridas Mukhopadhyay†††
2. Crowd-funding Online Journalism: Examining the Roles of Peer Influence and Market Awareness. Gordon Burtch, Anindya Ghose and Sunil Wattal.
3. Effectiveness of Reputation in the Presence of Contracts: Evidence from Online Micro Contracting. Mingfeng Lin, Siva Viswanathan and Yong Liu. *** |
12:00-1:30 PM |
Lunch and Keynote Speech
Keynote Speaker: Steve Phillips (Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Avnet Inc.)
Keynote Title: IT as a Competitive Asset |
1:30-3:00 PM |
Session 3A: Cloud Computing
Session Chair: Terrence August
1. Cloud Computing: Implications on Software Network Structure and Security Risks. Terrence August, Marius Niculescu and Hyoduk Shin.***
2. An Analytical Study of Competition in Cloud Computing Market. Hossein Ghasemkhani.
3. Cloud Computing Adoption and its Implications for CIO Strategic Focus – An Empirical Analysis. Suresh Malladi and Krishnan Mayuram. |
Session 3B: Health IT
Session Chair: Gordon Gao
1. Impact of Telemedicine on the ‘Turf Battle’ Between Hospitals – The Case of Chronic Disease Management. Balaraman Rajan, Abraham Seidmann and Ray Dorsey.
2. Quicker and Sicker? Length of Stay, Readmission Risk, and the Role of Health Information Technology. Indranil Bardhan, Jeong-Ha Oh, Eric Zheng and Kirk Kirksey.***
3. The Shadow of Goliath: Scientific Discovery and the Abandonment of Technology. Brad Greenwood, Ritu Agarwal, Anand Gopal and Rajshree Agarwal. |
3:00-3:30 PM |
Coffee Break |
3:30-5:00 PM |
Session 4A: Information Economics
Session Chair: Vibhanshu Abhishek
1. Online Search: Identifying Investment Habitats. Alvin Chung Man Leung, Ashish Agarwal, Prabhudev Konana and Alok Kumar. †††
2. The Appeal of Third-Party Certifications: Information Unraveling in Natural Experiments. Mingfeng Lin and Paulo Goes.
3. Modeling Customer Behavior in Multichannel Customer Support Services: An Information Stock Approach. Anuj Kumar, Kinshuk Jerath and Serguei Netessine. |
Session 4B: User Generated Content
Session Chair: Lu Yan
1. Determinants of Microblogging and Sentiments Towards Brands on the Web. Tolga Akçura, Kemal Altinkemer and Hailiang Chen.
2. An Empirical Exploration of Emotion Arousal in Online Word-of-Mouth. Dezhi Yin, Samuel Bond and Han Zhang.
3. Online Institutions and Cascade: Concentration and Polarization of Online Information. Michael Hong. |
6:00-7:30 PM |
CIST and ISR Reception: ISR Paper Awards and Recognition |
SUNDAY October 14, 2012 |
8:00-8:30 AM |
Breakfast and Opening Remarks |
8:30-10:00 AM |
Session 5A: Operations Optimization
Session Chair: Karthik Kannan
1. The Impact of RFID for Managing Pharmaceutical Inventories Under Order-Loss. Ozden Engin Cakici, Harry Groenevelt and Abraham Seidmann.
2. Downtime Predictions for Virtual Servers: A Study under Two Checkpointing Scenarios. Anna Ye Du, Sanjukta Das, Chunming Qiao, Ram Ramesh and Zhouhan Yang.
3. Merchant's Second Battlefield: Optimal Profit-Sharing Scheme on Cashback Platforms. Yi-Chun Ho and Yi-Jen Ho. |
Session 5B: Smart Grids and Networks
Session Chair: Vijay Mookerjee
1. Naive Herding in Location-Based Networks: Induced Social Learning and Optimal Dynamic Pricing. Liangfei Qiu and Andrew Whinston.
2. Automated Data-Driven Tariff Pricing for the Smart Grid. Markus Peters, Wolfgang Ketter, Maytal Saar-Tsechansky and John Collins.
3. Analysis of Smart Grid Balancing using Realistic Customer Models. Konstantina Valogianni, Wolfgang Ketter, Mathijs De Weerdt and John Collins.
10:00-10:30 AM |
Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00 PM |
Session 6A: Social Media and Implications
Session Chair: Kartik Hosanagar
1. Can Social Come to the Rescue? Monetizing Music in the World of Free. Genevieve Bassellier, Remi Desmeules and Jui Ramaprasad.
2. Does Organizational Support of Social Media Affect Worker Satisfaction, Involvement, and Organizational Knowledge? Steven Gordon, Hilla Dotan, Salvatore Parise and Elizabeth Volpe.
3. The Spoiler Effect?: Designing Social TV Content that Promotes Ongoing WOM. Adrian Benton and Shawndra Hill.
Session 6B: IT and Strategy
Session Chair: Sunil Mithas
1. Product Market Competition and Corporate Venture Capital Investments: Evidence from the U.S. IT Industry. Keongtae Kim, Anand Gopal and Gerard Hoberg.
2. Knowledge Appropriation in Alliances: The Role of Information Technology. Simona Ileana Giura and T Ravichandran.
3. Who Reacts to IT Investment Announcements? Dawei Zhang, Matthew Lyle and Barrie Nault. |
12:00-2:00 PM |
Lunch and CIST 2012 Award Ceremony |
2:00-3:30 PM |
Session 7A: Consumer Participation in Social Media
Session Chair: Ravi Bapna
1. Effects of Online Recommendations on Consumers’ Willingness to Pay. Gediminas Adomavicius, Jesse Bockstedt, Shawn Curley and Jingjing Zhang.
2. Online Product Reviews: Implications for Retailers and Competing Manufacturers. Young Kwark, Jianqing Chen and Srinivasan Raghunathan.
3. Online Social Influence and Borrowers’ Default Decisions on Peer-to-Peer Lending. Eric Lu, Bin Gu, Qiang Ye and Zhexiang Sheng. |
Session 7B: Online Security and Privacy
Session Chair: Ashish Agarwal
1. Sleight of Privacy: The Impact of Framing on Disclosure. Idris Adjerid, Alessandro Acquisti, Laura Brandimarte and George Loewenstein.
2. Managing Hot-Lists in Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems. Radha Mookerjee, Subodha Kumar and Vijay Mookerjee.***
3. Improve Internet Security Through Information Disclosure and Presentation: A Field Experiment and Policy Implications. Qian Tang, Leigh Linden, John S. Quarterman and Andrew Whinston. |
3:30-4:00 PM |
Coffee Break |
4:00-5:30 PM |
Panel Discussion Panel Topic "Big data Analytics, Health IT, and Social Media"
Panel Moderator: Alok Gupta, University of Minnesota
Panel Members:
Ritu Agrawal, University of Maryland
Michael Goul, Arizona State University
Paulo Goes, University of Arizona
Ravi Bapna, University of Minnesota |
5:45-6:15 PM |
INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS) Business Meeting |