billionaires for bush
"Billionaires for Bush" tell protesters, "We were having such a great
party! Why don't you people go home!" and "Whose suites? Our suites!"
The initial reclaim the streets gathering happens (unpermitted) at Columbus Circle.
columbus circle
The initial reclaim the streets gathering happens (unpermitted) at Columbus Circle.
New York's finest react to a kid with spray paint by roughing up everyone nearby. Excuse the blurriness; the police were not cooperative subjects.
"The WEF is 'dragon' us down" reads this large chinese-style dragon.
egerman wef
Mark Egerman
heads of state
Heads of State:
Donald Rumsfeld, "3000 Afghani Civilian Deaths"
Dick Cheney, "Got Oil?"
George W. Bush, "Enron"
many signs
Artwork is visible in every direction as the street is filled completely, skyskraper to skyscraper, with people for several blocks.
masked cops
Though masks were declared illegal by the city of New York, that didn't stop the NYPD.
matt alisha
more cops
more signs
mtoups mde
not a slave
Looking uptown on Lexington Avenue, protesters can be seen for blocks.
pittsburgh reps
Pittsburgh activists find each other in columbus circle. Left to right, Ryan Hamilton, Alisha Bhagat, Mark Egerman, Tim Vining, Steven Donohue.
The Radical Rockettes love New York but Hate the WEF
The Radical Rockettes love New York but Hate the WEF
Every Starbucks in Manhattan had armed NYPD officers standing guard, 24 hours a day.
the end
After the protest, on our way to the 6 train to the East Village, we see the remnants of a monumental event.
they are all enron
they're all enron
thru central park
The Reclaim the Streets march went from Columbus circle, through Central park, to the southeast corner on Park avenue to meet the other groups and begin the main, permitted march.
tim mark ryan
CMU Sophomores Mark Egerman and Ryan Hamilton march through central park. Thomas Merton Center director Tim Vining can be seen over Mark's shoulder.
wef go home
The intial convergence on Park Avenue. Protestors encounter hundreds of armored police officers.
whose liberty
CMU Sophomore Matt Toups questions the undemocratic nature of globalization.
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from MarginalHacks
on Sat Apr 13 05:03:24 2002 Photos ©2002 Matt Toups