Parents: Reuben Sherman and Irene Sandroff
Born April 26, 1946 in New York, NY
Married Ann Sutton
Children: Mia Karen Sherman
Diane Rebecca Sherman
Parents: Myer Sherman and Lena Miller
Born November 20, 1921 (source: SSDI)
Died January 15, 1971 (source: SSDI)
Married Irene Sandroff
Children: Gail Sherman
Ellen Sherman
Bonnie Sherman
Audrey Sherman
Parents: Abram and Malka Sherman
Married Lena Miller
Children: Reuben Sherman
Parents: Barry and Miriam Miller
Married Myer Sherman
Children: Reuben Sherman
Parents: Morris Sandroff and Molly Rensal
Married Reuben Sherman
Children: Gail Sherman
Ellen Sherman
Bonnie Sherman
Audrey Sherman
Parents: Samuel and Goldie
Married Molly Rensal
Children: Irene Sandroff
Parents: Jack and Ethel Rensal
Married Morris Sandroff
Children: Irene Sandroff