Robert P. Strauss
Professor of Economics and Public Policy
Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration
A118B Hamburg Hall
The H. John Heinz III School of
Public Policy and Management
Carnegie-Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-3890
PH: 412-268-4798
FX: 412-268-5098
Email: RS9F@Andrew.CMU.Edu
Remarks on the occasion of the rehearsal dinner for Elena Strauss and Olivier Peraud: 10/24/2015 English
Remarks on the occasion of the rehearsal dinner for Elena Strauss and Olivier Peraud: 10/24/2015 French
Billy Hamilton "Stopping the Dominoes from Falling in Pennsylvania," State Tax Notes, August 14, 2017
Prof. Strauss is interviewed about Pennsylvania's Budget Crisis
The Interview, The Caucus, March 14, 2017: Prof. Strauss on democracy in Pennsylvania ... and some other matters
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