Fall, 2004
Room 1001
Hamburg Hall
10:30 AM -11:50 AM
Professor Robert P. Strauss
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Power and
$oftware $kills
for your Resume
"...this course is RELEVANT and not just Real Time, but Ahead of Time. Before Mayor Murphy's budget came out, we had a class discussion about just what the City's real deficit was. Even the Tribue-Review Whispers is talking about that discussion."..Public Finance, 2002 student.
"...Public Finance passes the South Park test of good, clean,
All American education and reminds me that learning can be fun.
I took Public Finance last year
and did not realize until I began working in the real world
just how valuable our in class demonstrations were on the
adroit use of CMUs. At the public agency where I work,
I often am the one who comes up with the most
creative financial solution to a particularly difficult public
policy problem. I owe my early promotions to Professor
Strauss'Public Finance course. Heinz 2000 alumnae.
"...this is a must class for anyone considering a career in the public sector or a career in the private sector that may involve money..." Heinz 1995 alumn
"...this class literally changed my life. I lost 35 pounds
and kept it off! Not only did it allow me to achieve my weight objectives,
my personal life improved dramatically. I have many more dates because
I took the Public Finance course, and the quality of them has improved
compared to my undergraduate experience. God bless Professor Strauss!"
Heinz 1991 alumnae.
"...the end of the semester Public Finance beer parties have
become a mainstay of student-faculty interactions. Where else could one
watch our fellow students snarf down free beer and pass out, secure in
the knowledge that they had completed their final exam? Strauss deserves
recognition for throwing the best faculty-student beer party every Fall
and Spring." Heinz 1997 Alumn.
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from Chuck E. Cheese October 29, 2004 Birthday Bash
Scenes from December 9, 2002 Final Exam
Final Exam Requires Focus despite Universally Acclaimed Funny Questions
Students Working Hard to Pass Exam, Getting Thirsty
Scenes from December 13, 2002End of Semester Bash
[from left to right] Dave S. (TA), Tayo, Dave H., Mike and Manos
[from left to right]Dave H. and Manos [alleged tennis champ]
"I originally had my doubts, and the first six weeks didn't
make any sense to me. The first exam floored me, and I swear Professor
Strauss spoke in tongues most of the time. But something happened after
I started attending class and reading the textbook that is difficult to
express. Things changed, and I actually enjoyed coming to class." Heinz
1995 Alumn.
"Professor Strauss asked that we subscribe to the Wall
Street Journal; at the outset I couldn't figure out why he wanted us
to read the newspaper and talk about financial matters in class. I'm from
Pittsburgh and had been a generally satisfied reader of the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette, one of America's Great Newspapers. But after reading
the Wall Street Journal, I started learning about not
only what was really going in Pittsburgh, but also in the bond market,
the stock market, about interest rates and government finance. Things started
making sense. Last year I started day-trading on the New York Stock exchange
and made $7.5 million dollars in six weeks. Much of my skill in day-trading
I attribute to what I learned in public finance." Heinz 1987 Alumn.
"Before I took Public Finance, I was lonely and had difficulty
meeting people. Professor Strauss constantly called on me in class, especially
when I cut and wasn't there. That got me thinking. I realized that
the only way to be more outgoing and answer questions in class was to attend.
Now, I have no trouble meeting people, and am filled with self-confidence."
Heinz 1996 Alumn.
"I really like taking Professor Strauss' examinations because
he always gives each of us a high quality cookie after
"After graduating college I worked for three years and developed
a sleep disorder. I was diagnosed by doctors at the Mayo Clinic as having
chronic insomnia. I was unable to fall asleep and was therefore exhausted
at my job. The doctors prescribed reading an economics textbook such as
Microeconomics as a way to fall asleep. It worked. To
advance my career I went to the Heinz School, but found that the cure for
my insomnia became my undoing when I took economics or statistics classes.
But when I took Public Finance, I found that reading that textbook kept
me awake and alert, and allowed me to sleep soundly after doing all my
homework! I keep my Public Finance textbook under my pillow now and read
it every night, 12 years after graduation!" Heinz 1987 Allumn.
"When I interviewed at the GAO, their questions were right
out of Professor Strauss' examinations. I could not have been better prepared
for entry into the federal government." Heinz 1999 Alumn.
Joanlin and Markques
Joanlin and Mike
Shawn shows up, in search of sustenance to fuel completion of pesky term
paper in another class...
Katherine, chief apologist for Mayor Murphy's fiscal indiscretions
shows up but not in power blue suit...
Markques has arrived! Starting with coffee, he moves on to Michelob...
[from left to right]Markques, Dave H., Poonsri and Mike survey the spread
Mike, Manos, and Joanlin eye the food, notice the gourmet
vegetable tray personally created by Mrs. Strauss
Stephanie gets caught by the camera, flashes a smile ...
More of Mike, Manos, and Joanlin
Amy waltzes in, wondering what this will be like...blinded by the
flash, she closes her eyes...
Poonsri is happy to see Yasuhito. They too are in search of
food and drink to enable them to finish that pesky term paper...
Scenes from Typical End of Semester Bash 2000
---Carlos, Caroline,Kim,
Bob, and Pedro pose for a snapshot:
Bank of CMU Treasurer Heidi Marie Watt enjoys a cool one
at End of Semester Bash:
Sherae Daniel gets the giggles
at End of Semester Bash:
we take the exam and fill out the course evaluation form.
No other CMU faculty member is so thoughtful!" Heinz 1997 Alumnae.