Article I |
Name |
- The name of the organization shall be "Russian
Article II |
Purposes |
The purposes of the organization shall be: |
Section 1: Cultural Exchange and Education
- foster cultural exchange by providing the opportunity for personal
contacts with student, researchers, and faculty from the former
Soviet Union
- invite eminent guest speakers to Carnegie Mellon University in
order to enhance the interest and awareness of Russian Culture and
other relevant aspects
- encourage all students to take classes dealing with Russian Culture
and language
- further political and historical knowledge of Russia and former
Soviet Republics
- to provide informational sessions on current events in the former
Soviet Union
Section 2: Orientation and Community Involvement
- help Russian students adapt to the Carnegie Mellon community
- network with the Russian community of the greater Pittsburgh
- maintain contact with Russian affiliated organizations in other
Pennsylvania universities
Section 3: Activities
- organize seminars, lectures, discussions and Russian film and
music festivals
- introduce Carnegie Mellon community to traditional Russian activities
- promote cultural exchange and education during social gatherings
Membership |
Section 1: Initial Membership
- all those who become members of the organization during the fall
semester of 2002.
Section 2: Membership Renewal
- active membership shall be retained by attending a sponsored event
during the year
Section 3: New Members
- new members can join the organization at any time of the year
Section 4: Condition of Membership
- membership will be valid so long as the laws of the Constitution
and rights of other members are respected
Section 5: Membership Eligibility
- membership shall be open to any student and faculty, who supports
the purposes of the organization and is currently enrolled in Carnegie
Mellon University
Section 6: Non-Discrimination
- members shall not be discriminated against on the basis of creed,
national origin, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation,
or personal and political views (in accordance to Statement of Assurance
of Carnegie Mellon University)
Section 7: Membership Termination
- own membership shall be terminated upon written request by a member
of the club.
- individual memberships may be terminated upon 2/3 vote of the
officers and majority of the club members
- an officer may be impeached by the unanimous vote of the remaining
officers and 2/3 vote of the club members
Section 8: Membership Reinstatement
- terminated memberships may be reinstated upon written request,
and majority vote of Board members and club members
- Board membership may be reinstated upon written request and unanimous
vote of the Board members and 2/3 vote of the club members
Section 9: Membership Duration
- membership in the organization will be valid during the person’s
enrollment at CMU.
IV |
Financial Provisions |
- Membership in the organization is free
Article V |
Offices |
Section 1: Executive Board
- the executive, legislative, and judicial power of the Russian
House shall be vested in the Executive Board
Section 3: Elections of Members of the Executive
- the Executive Board shall consist of Joint Chief Executive Officers,
Chief Financial Officer, Public Affairs Director, Project Manager,
and Cultural Director
Section 3: Elections of Members of the Executive
- each member of the Executive Board shall be full-time students
enrolled for a current year and shall be elected by the active members
of the Russian House
- members of the Executive Board are to be elected yearly. Election
are to be held in September of each academic year (subject to Article
II, Section 3, of the Bylaws)
Section 4: Advisor
- one faculty or professional staff member shall be selected by
a majority vote of the Executive Board to serve as advisor to the
Executive Board and members of the organization
- the advisor shall be elected yearly
Article VI |
Officers and Duties |
Section 1: Chief Executive Officers shall
- act as liaisons between the Russian House and other organizations
- act as liaisons between the Student Government organizations and
the Russian House
- negotiate all business deals between Russian House and prospective
- be present at all meetings of the Executive Board
Section 2: Chief Financial Officer shall
- keep accounts, deposit the organization's funds with the Accounts
Director in the Office of Student Activities, and make expenditures
- present a brief report concerning the financial status of the
organization to the members of the Executive Board at the last business
meeting the month
- seek any prospective sponsors for the organization
Section 3: Public Affairs Director shall
- present decisions of Executive Board to other members of the organization
- organize club meetings
- present members' opinions to the Executive Board
- be present at all meetings of the Executive Board
Section 4: Project Manager shall
- plan all club activities for the exception of cultural events
- coordinate all planned and approved by Executive Board activities
- handle all correspondence and advertisement of the planned activities
Section 5: Cultural Director shall
- plan all seminars, lectures, and other cultural events
- handle organization and advertisements of planned cultural events
Section 6: Miscellaneous
- members of the Executive Board shall work together as a team to
the benefit of the club
- duties of each member of the Executive Board are subject to change
as necessary
Amendments |
- Amendments to the Constitution may be presented at any meeting
of the Executive Board by any member of the organization and may
be passed, after the second reading, by a 2/3 vote of the active
- Amendments to the Constitution must be submitted to and approved
by the Carnegie Mellon University Student Government Committee.
Article I |
Membership |
Section 1: Initial Membership
- all those who become members of the organization during the fall
semester of 2002.
Section 2: Membership Renewal
- active membership shall be retained by attending a sponsored event
during the year
Section 3: New Members
- new members can join the organization at any time of the year
Section 4: Condition of Membership
- membership will be valid so long as the laws of the Constitution
and rights of other members are respected
Section 5: Membership Eligibility
- membership shall be open to any student and faculty, who supports
the purposes of the organization and is currently enrolled in Carnegie
Mellon University
Section 6: Non-Discrimination
- members shall not be discriminated against on the basis of creed,
national origin, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation,
or personal and political views (in accordance to Statement of Assurance
of Carnegie Mellon University)
Section 7: Membership Termination
- own membership shall be terminated upon written request by a member
of the club.
- individual memberships may be terminated upon 2/3 vote of the
officers and majority of the club members
- an officer may be impeached by the unanimous vote of the remaining
officers and 2/3 vote of the club members
Section 8: Membership Reinstatement
- terminated memberships may be reinstated upon written request,
and majority vote of Board members and club members
- Board membership may be reinstated upon written request and unanimous
vote of the Board members and 2/3 vote of the club members
Section 9: Membership Duration
- membership in the organization will be valid during the person’s
enrollment at CMU.
Article II |
Executive Authority |
Section 1: Executive Board
- the executive, legislative, and judicial power of the Russian
House shall be vested in the Executive Board
Section 2: Elections of Members of the Executive
- the Executive Board shall consist of Joint Chief Executive Officers,
Chief Financial Officer, Public Affairs Director, Project Manager,
and Cultural Director
Section 3: Initial Government
- upon conception of the club, provisional government will be established
by the reviving founders of the club Yuriy Goykhman and Sergey Shchukin
and will be valid for the first year
- Members of the provisional government reserve the right to fill
the Executive Board with the members of the club, who will implement
the goal of the the organization
- Board members of the provisional government reserve the right
to extend the rule for one more year upon approval of the majority
of the Board members
Financial Provisions |
- Membership in the organization is free